4 questions people ask about Truehope support and programs

It’s been over 20 years since we started producing what is now EMPowerplus and supporting those who participate in our programs. In that time, we’ve heard a tonne of questions.

Here are 4 of the most frequently asked questions regarding our support and programs.



5 things people frequently ask about Truehope EMPowerplus

It’s been over 20 years since we started producing what is now EMPowerplus and supporting those who participate in our programs. In that time, we’ve heard a tonne of questions.

Here are 5 of the most frequently asked questions regarding taking EMPowerplus.



24 things that could affect how EMPowerplus works for you

A possible limiting factor is something that may negatively impact the overall effectiveness of EMPowerplus for participants in the Truehope wellness program.

For example, someone who has persistent diarrhea cannot properly absorb the nutrients in EMPowerplus through the intestines before they’re flushed out. In such a case, there are necessary steps to take to control the diarrhea, and a temporary increased dose of EMPowerplus would be required to maintain wellness.



How tobacco use affects EMPowerplus

Truehope participants often ask us how the use of tobacco could affect how EMPowerplus works in the body.

Tobacco is a central nervous system stimulant, and its effects on the health of the mind and body are like that of other stimulants that we recommend against using.



Why you shouldn’t mix alcohol and EMPowerplus

Alcohol interferes with the central nervous system operation in a powerful way. Many researchers have studied alcohol and its use and how they affect CNS disorders.

Consider the following excerpts from several research studies:


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7 products that could change your life

Did you know that 2017 marks 21 years since Anthony Stephan founded Truehope?

Over the last 21 years, Truehope has helped over 200,000 people find hope, happiness, and health. through EMPowerplus, including its various versions. (Did you know the original EMPowerplus required over 30 capsules for the average participant?)

During that time, we also have introduced various other products to augment the work EMPowerplus does. Below is our current product lineup and what each one does.



The 12 steps Truehope uses to guarantee quality products

Did you know that the facility that manufactures EMPowerplus meets rigorous processing standards?

Our processing facility is registered with the FDA, and the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services regularly inspect it.



13 nutrients your body needs to fight mental fatigue

What is mental fatigue?

We all feel tired at some time during the day. We go to sleep at the end of the day, then we wake up several hours later refreshed and reenergized.

Some people, however, feel tired for weeks. If that’s the case, mental fatigue, or a lack of energy and motivation, may be the reason. Mental fatigue can also mean a temporary lapse in optimal cognitive performance.



How long does it take for Truehope to work?

From time to time, we come across people interested in EMPowerplus who’ve become frustrated with other solutions they’ve tried and that they felt didn’t work for them. They’re frustrated with being unable to manage their mental health and with solution after solution not seeming to work for them.

By the time they come to us, they can be desperate.

We must point out though that few of our customers experience immediate results. Most of them don’t see significant improvements in their mental health for several weeks,

