How Stress Depletes The Vitamins and Minerals In Your Body

Stress is an inevitable part of life. Each and every person in this world is going to deal with stress at some point, and for many, it’s going to be on a fairly regular basis.

For those that continually experience high levels of stress, though, additional health problems will eventually arise. One big reason why is because stress causes our body to use a higher level of vitamins and minerals (or micronutrients).

Constant High Levels of Stress

In a constant high-stress environment, the body will be continuously reacting (think “fight or flight” response) and using high levels of vitamins and minerals while doing so. Therefore, a person that is already deficient in these micronutrients (as many people in the world are) is essentially going to be trying to pull from an empty tank.

Staying in a constant state of high stress will cause the body to continue to try and do the natural and correct thing, but it probably won’t have the resources (sufficient levels of vitamins and nutrients) to do that effectively. This is what leads to chronic nutrient depletion.

Research has shown (and continues to show) that many of the mental health issues that people experience are actually due to micronutrient deficiencies,



Here’s Why We Should All Be Worried About Bone Health

Remember the Got Milk? advertising campaign that seemed to be everywhere in the mid- and late-90s? The iconic milk mustaches on famous athletes and celebrities will forever be remembered as one of the most effective ad spots for many people throughout the world.

The goal of Got Milk? was simple: to sell more milk. But in addition to being wildly effective, this advertising campaign also helped bring to light a very important topic: bone health.



4 Easy Tricks To Remember To Take Your Vitamins

Summer is in full force, and everyone is busy. It happens every year, and sometimes even the most simple tasks in our life can be forgotten due to the hustle and bustle of everything else going on.

Simple tasks such as taking your daily vitamin and mineral supplement.

We all know how important it is to keep a steady flow of nutrients entering our body, though, so it’s very important to do whatever you can to make sure that you remember to take them.



Is Your Body’s Check Engine Light On?

If you own a vehicle, or really any piece of equipment that requires constant upkeep to continue functioning correctly, you know how important preventative maintenance is. You also know how easy it is to get behind on preventative maintenance, or to constantly kick the can down the road for another day.

Then it happens: a major problem–and one that probably could have been avoided with the preventative maintenance that you declined. It’s a frustrating situation all around, because now a smaller problem turned into a bigger problem,



How To Start Eating A More Nutrient-Dense Diet

When it comes to the foods that most Americans are eating, there’s a pretty simple way to describe them: energy-rich and nutrient-poor. You’ve probably heard the term “empty calories” before; that’s what the standard American diet is.

There’s no shortage of calorie intake in this country. In fact, the average American takes in over 3,600 calories each and every day–well above the recommended 2,000 or so depending on your sex and average activity level.

Along with consuming too many calories,


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It’s Time To Care About Nutrition Again

When did we stop caring about nutrition?

And, even more importantly, why did we stop caring about nutrition?

Pew Research Center did a study on American diet habits, and while it’s no secret that many of us realize that this country is by no means the healthiest in the world, it’s also apparent that many people also don’t realize just how bad it is getting. This study by Pew found that:

  • Daily calorie intake is up 23% over the last 40 years
  • Almost half of our calorie intake comes from either flour and grains or fats and oils groups
  • 58% of people surveyed said that they should probably be eating healthier than they currently are

And despite the fact that people are eating more and more in this country,



Don’t Forget To Take Care Of Your Skin This Summer

As we’re nearing the end of May, summer festivals and activities are on the minds of many people. It’s the time of year when a carefree attitude can especially shine, with weekends full of fun and plenty of opportunities for lifelong memories to be made.

Of course, when you think of summer, you’re also thinking about the warmth of sunshine and tan lines. But let’s not forget about the health of our skin, either. In fact, there’s a reason why May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month.



Children Need Vitamins, Minerals, and Micronutrients, Too

When we talk about vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients, we have already established that the standard American diet is not sufficient in providing these very important elements to our bodies. This is one of the main reasons behind the continuing rise of vitamin and nutrient deficiency rates as well as diet-related disease.

When discussing diet and deficiency issues, though, many people focus solely on adults. But the fact of the matter is that getting adequate vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients are just as important for children as well.



Your Brain Is Starved Of These Nutrients. Time To Feed It.

The human brain is a magnificent specimen. Although it typically only weighs about two to three pounds, the brain consumes up to 50% of the body’s daily nutrients and “requires constant nourishment from the cardiovascular system.” It requires a constant supply of blood, to the tune of one quart per minute bring a steady flow of nutrients to it.

As we all know, our entire body works in unison to function, and in order for each system to continue to work optimally,



Here’s Why Amino Acids Are So Important For Your Health

“Amino acids are the building blocks of life.”

If you paid attention during high school science class, you’ll likely remember that phrase. If you didn’t, well, now you know. Amino acids are the raw, essential materials that your body needs to produce cells, bones, hormones, hair, skin, and more. They’re vital for other functions as well, including repairing tissue, absorbing nutrients, and are a crucial component for hormones and neurotransmitters–which are needed for physical and mental health.

Our body needs 20 amino acids in total to function and grow properly.

