Are Olives A Superfood? The Data Says Yes!

The other day, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a post that simply said, “Does anyone actually LIKE olives? Be honest.”

At first I thought to myself, “Yes, I do actually really like olives,” and then as I pondered this more I realized that olives are one of those food items that most people either love or hate, and it’s usually as cut and dry as that.

Here’s the thing about olives, though: they’re actually really good for you, and are one of the main reasons why the Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world.

Health Benefits of Olives and The Mediterranean Diet

Coming in at #1 on the “Best Diets” list for 2022 over at Everyday Health is the Mediterranean diet. This eating style is lauded for a wide range of health benefits “including weight loss, heart and brain health, cancer prevention, and diabetes prevention and control.”

Olives are a staple within the Mediterranean diet, and that also includes olive oil, which “is considered one of the healthiest fats and a rich source of antioxidants” and may help reduce cellular damage caused by free radicals.



9 in 10 Don’t Get Enough Iodine And It Causes Health Issues

When you hear iodine, many people might automatically think about the reddish-orange liquid used in medical offices as a disinfectant. But iodine is also an essential element for your body.

Unfortunately, iodine deficiency is something that affects billions of people worldwide. In fact, it is estimated that around 90% of North Americans are deficient in iodine, and it has been linked to many major health and wellness problems.

The body requires iodine to produce thyroid hormones,



The World Is Unhappy. Here’s How We Start Getting Better

Each year, Gallup conducts a global poll on the positive and negative experiences that people around the world have experienced each year. The results for 2021 have just been released and the findings are quite somber: “the world became a slightly sadder, more worried and more stressed-out place,” with negative reactions reaching a record high in Gallup’s Negative Experience Index.

The poll found that over 40% of adults worldwide experienced a lot of worry and/or stress last year, and nearly 30% of adults experienced sadness.



Give Your Gut What It Needs To Improve Your Mental Health

The connection between your brain and your gut is one of the most important in your entire body. Consider this: 95% of your serotonin is made in your gut, and your gut flora is connected to virtually every process that goes on within the body.

When imbalances occur within the gut flora, though, a plethora of health issues can arise, including compromised immune health, depression, other psychiatric disorders, as well as some of our deepest chronic health issues.

Yes, the gut is that important.



Have Fun In The Sun This Summer But Make Sure You’re Hydrated

As we talked about on this blog a little over a month ago, summer is the time of year full of sunshine, fun, and memories being made. It’s also the time of year when it is very important to take care of your skin.

Equally important during the hottest time of the year is to make sure you are being adequately hydrated, as water is vital for us as human beings. Nearly 60% of our bodies are made up of water,


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4 Easy Tricks To Remember To Take Your Vitamins

Summer is in full force, and everyone is busy. It happens every year, and sometimes even the most simple tasks in our life can be forgotten due to the hustle and bustle of everything else going on.

Simple tasks such as taking your daily vitamin and mineral supplement.

We all know how important it is to keep a steady flow of nutrients entering our body, though, so it’s very important to do whatever you can to make sure that you remember to take them.



Is Your Body’s Check Engine Light On?

If you own a vehicle, or really any piece of equipment that requires constant upkeep to continue functioning correctly, you know how important preventative maintenance is. You also know how easy it is to get behind on preventative maintenance, or to constantly kick the can down the road for another day.

Then it happens: a major problem–and one that probably could have been avoided with the preventative maintenance that you declined. It’s a frustrating situation all around, because now a smaller problem turned into a bigger problem,



How To Start Eating A More Nutrient-Dense Diet

When it comes to the foods that most Americans are eating, there’s a pretty simple way to describe them: energy-rich and nutrient-poor. You’ve probably heard the term “empty calories” before; that’s what the standard American diet is.

There’s no shortage of calorie intake in this country. In fact, the average American takes in over 3,600 calories each and every day–well above the recommended 2,000 or so depending on your sex and average activity level.

Along with consuming too many calories,



Not All Multivitamin Supplements Are The Same

It is currently estimated that one in three adults in the United States takes a multivitamin supplement on a daily basis, with the percentage of users gradually increasing as age increases.

This huge user base has caused the dietary supplement industry to go over $50 billion in total sales per year, which, in turn, creates opportunities for many different companies to enter the supplement market with their own product.

When you go down the supplement aisle in your local grocery store,



It’s Time To Care About Nutrition Again

When did we stop caring about nutrition?

And, even more importantly, why did we stop caring about nutrition?

Pew Research Center did a study on American diet habits, and while it’s no secret that many of us realize that this country is by no means the healthiest in the world, it’s also apparent that many people also don’t realize just how bad it is getting. This study by Pew found that:

  • Daily calorie intake is up 23% over the last 40 years
  • Almost half of our calorie intake comes from either flour and grains or fats and oils groups
  • 58% of people surveyed said that they should probably be eating healthier than they currently are

And despite the fact that people are eating more and more in this country,

