Prepare for Impact: The Mental Health Tsunami Crests

Improving your diet and adding the right nutritional supplement improves your mental health. It isn’t an opinion; this is a fact. As Anne Wigmore said, “the food you eat can be the safest form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”

Processed Food, COVID-19, & the Trouble They Brew

The most significant mental health tsunami of all time arrives. Two waves primed for destruction and fatalities of the highest degree crests:

  • Wave One: “More than half of the food intake in North America is now drawn from the lowest level: ultra-processed ‘food.’ In other words, more than half of what we now put into our mouths has virtually no micronutrient content. It consists of sugars, fats, and chemicals, but not minerals and vitamins.” ~ The Better Brain Overcome Anxiety, Combat Depression, and Reduce ADHD and Stress with Nutrition points, pg. 116
  • Wave Two: The pre-pandemic depression rate in the US was 25 percent, but thanks to COVID-19, it’s anticipated to double to 50 percent.~ US Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey from May-June 2020

With wave one, processed foods strangle mental health, making responding to stress,



What do honeybees know that we don’t? Brain Food Matters.

Ask any doctor, and they’ll tell you that their medical school favored a pharmaceutical dialogue when it came to conversations on mental health concerns, not nutrition. And as you know, what you’re taught matters. 

Current Treatments Aren’t Decreasing Mental Health Cases

Like an infomercial salesperson selling a two-for-the-price-of-one deal with the classic “Wait; there’s more!” line, the pharmaceutical companies bombard today’s world with promises of a quick-fix to many ailments. Then, in the few remaining seconds of the advertisement, a fast auctioneer-like voice lists the intense side effects of the drug.



You Don’t Have More Stress; You Have Less Resiliency

Today’s world includes different stressors than that of yesteryears but not more. 

Life is not more stressful than those who survived a world when wars drafted sons, telephones didn’t leave home, and a trip to the bathroom meant a dark, cold walk to the outhouse that may or may not be housing a raccoon for the night. What is different is the modern world’s response to stress. 

If pharmaceuticals worked, mental health cases wouldn’t rise

The number of mental health issues–



THE BETTER BRAIN Leads to a Better You

Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Want You to Read This

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies risk losing an obscene amount of cash if you read and follow THE BETTER BRAIN. Lucky for you, Drs. Bonnie J. Kaplan and Julia J. Rucklidge, leading scientists in the nutrition and mental health arenas, stand tall in their resolve to expose the undeniable link between mental health and nutrition.

Your Struggle Ends Now

When you read THE BETTER BRAIN, you discover how nutrients can treat mental health issues.



To Lunch, or Not to Lunch: This Isn’t a Question or a Debate

The third Friday of June is National Take Back the Lunch Day. Why do you need a national holiday to spotlight the importance of a lunch break, you ask? Consider the following facts:

  • “… employees who take lunch breaks are more likely to report being efficient at work and satisfied with their jobs…”
  • “… nearly 90 percent of employees consider the ability to take a lunch break critical when accepting a new job…”
  • “…


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Sleep is Your Ghostwriter. Get Enough to Write a Great Day.

Sleep is a five-letter word that you develop a push-and-pull relationship with as you age. As a child, you’re forced to go to bed, dragging your favorite tattered blanket across the floor as you and your footed pajamas reluctantly listen to who’s in charge. Your pre-teen and teen years come next, riddled with activities and responsibilities that make sleep look like your nemesis instead of your ally. From demanding extracurriculars to mountains of homework, sleep takes a backseat to the things in your life that bring judgment,



Inositol: Your Ticket to Z-Town

It’s well-known and accepted that nutritional supplements don’t produce tangible results overnight. Supplements are something that, typically, you feel the benefits of after consistently consuming them. This widespread understanding of how supplements work is why Truehope’s Inositol stands out in the best way possible. 

Kids, Teens, & Adults Wrestle with Restless Nights

One look at Inositol’s reviews and your curiosity peaks as you read testimonials that say Inositol provides “immediate and powerful impact on my anxiety attacks,” Inositol is “helpful with his anxiety,



A Fight With Your Fork Ends Up Stabbing You in Your Health

Starting each day with a nutritional supplement, like EMPowerplus Advanced, is fantastic, but a vitamin alone won’t save you from the mountain of processed food and sugary beverages you consume.

You’ve Already Learned the Secret

You’ve likely heard one or more of the following common phrases:

“You are what you eat.”
“Abs are made in the kitchen.”
“Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise.”
“You can’t outrun your fork.”

These phrases are common for a reason;



Dental Damage or Dental Health: Only One Choice Away

One of my most popular pieces remains Gummy Vitamins: Less Yabba Dabba Doo, More Yabba Dabba Don’t. As I ask myself why it was more popular than others, I arrive at one conclusion: That piece exposed the fact that an accepted truth is false. Yes, those delicious gummy vitamins that include the adorable Flintstone ones are one of dentists’ worst nightmares.

It’s no wonder that as soon as I realized National Dental Care Month popped up in May that my previous ‘Yabba Dabba’ piece jumped to the forefront of my mind.



Iodine Can’t Be An I-Owe-You. Give Your Body What It Craves.

Many articles and experts discuss iodine. It’s a mineral your body needs for your thyroid gland, but one that your body doesn’t produce. But what does an iodine deficiency look and feel like? Why should you care whether or not your body has this essential mineral?

The Face of Iodine Deficiency

Healthline shares the following 10 signs and symptoms of an iodine deficiency:

  1. Swelling in the Neck
    • “Swelling in the front of the neck, or a goiter is a common symptom of an iodine deficiency.

