3 Healthy Foods To Help You Fight Seasonal Depression

Shorter days. Less sunlight. Not quite feeling yourself.

That’s what happens during the winter months for many people, and it’s common for most that experience it to write it off as the “winter blues.” But for millions of people each year, it goes deeper than that: they actually deal with a bout of depression during the season changes.

Seasonal depression, sometimes known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD), affects over 10 million people each year, with an estimated 25 million more having a milder case of the “winter blues.”

Scientists have pinpointed the root cause of seasonal depression, as well as most mental and emotional disorders, to nutritional deficiencies. The lack of sunlight also plays a big part in rates of seasonal depression–countries with year-round sunshine have lower rates of SAD–but so does the food that people eat. Thankfully, though, that means that there are some foods that you can consume to help fight off seasonal depression.

Foods To Eat To Help Tame Your Seasonal Depression

  1. Salmon – It’s packed full of omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D, both of which are great for brain health, and the Vitamin B12 in salmon is important for your body to maintain healthy nerves and blood vessels.



Osteoporosis Rates Continue To Rise. Here’s How To Prevent It

If you are a relatively healthy young adult, you probably haven’t given much thought to osteoporosis. As you age, though, the risk for developing this disease continues to rise. As of 2020, an estimated 53.6 million U.S. adults aged 50 years or older–over 50% of that total population–had either osteoporosis or low bone mass.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, “Osteoporosis weakens bones, making them more susceptible to sudden and unexpected fractures. The disease often progresses without any symptoms or pain,



Your Secret Weapon To Stay Healthy (Hint: It’s Not Vitamin C)

It’s that time of year when our immune systems start getting tested. Flu and other viruses typically peak between December and February, and many people flock to the grocery stores to stock up on oranges and other citrus fruits to get that extra boost of Vitamin C to help their body in case they get sick.

But what if I told you that Vitamin C isn’t as powerful as most people believe? And that there’s another supplement out there that has up to four times as much antioxidant capacity of Vitamin C?



Let’s Make Habits, Not Resolutions

We’re to that point in the new year where New Year’s Resolutions begin to fail and/or be abandoned. Yep, not even three weeks into the year and this is when most people have already quit on the “new year, new me” goals. This day has been appropriately dubbed “Quitter’s Day.”

While it is unfortunate that so many people don’t reach their resolutions, it’s important to remember that in order to achieve a goal that you set up for yourself,



What Does ‘Eating Healthy’ Actually Mean?

“I’m going to start eating healthy.”

We hear this phrase a lot. Maybe you’ve said it recently yourself. Eating healthy is a common goal that many of us have when it comes to improving our life and our nutrition.

But what does “eating healthy” actually mean?

For some people, eating “healthy” may mean adding a salad to their dinner of fried chicken and fries. For others, eating “healthy” could mean that they only go through McDonald’s three times per week instead of four.


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4 Healthy Ways To Help Curb Anxiety & Improve Mental Health

Anxiety is something that many people deal with every single day, and it can be a crippling vice to your overall mental health. It is estimated that nearly 20% of the U.S. population is confronted with an anxiety disorder each year, and those numbers have continued to rise higher and higher as we’ve had to deal with the COVID pandemic for the last two-plus years.

Unfortunately, many people tend to respond to “this is just normal life” when it comes to their anxiety,



Probiotics and the Mental Health Connection

Most of us are familiar with antibiotics, and chances are you have been prescribed one by your doctor at some point in your life. As defined by the CDC, “antibiotics are medicines that fight infections caused by bacteria in humans and animals either by killing the bacteria or making it difficult for the bacteria to grow and multiply.”

However, while antibiotics are definitely helpful when you’re dealing with an infection, there are four important words to note in that definition above: “by killing the bacteria.” Unfortunately,



Eating Highly Processed Foods May Cause Memory Loss

A new study out of The Ohio State University has found that a diet heavy in highly processed foods (or “ultra-processed”) may be linked to memory loss issues, which can eventually progress to an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. Of course, a diet full of highly processed foods has also been linked to other health issues, specifically obesity as well as type 2 diabetes. 

What’s most concerning is that 70% of the average American diet is highly processed foods and almost all of the added sugar that Americans eat comes from those foods.



Go Ahead And Pass The Salt: Your Body Actually Needs It

During the holiday season, there’s no doubt that you’ll hear, “pass the salt,” at least once or twice at the dinner table. The world loves salt, and since 70% of the U.S. diet consists of processed foods that are full of it, the average person is definitely consuming more than the recommended daily intake.

On average, most people already consume nearly one-and-a-half times the recommended daily amount of salt each day, and oftentimes we continue to pile it on our plates,



Vitamin & Nutrient Deficiency and a Worldwide Health Crisis

If you consider yourself a healthy eater, let me tell you this: you’re one of the few in this country.

Micronutrient deficiency affects over two billion people worldwide, and in the United States specifically, over 30% of people are deficient in at least one vitamin. This is, in major part, due to our diet; energy-rich but nutrient-poor foods now comprise over one-fourth of the standard American’s diet, and while people are increasingly exceeding their daily calorie allowance,

