What Are You Doing To Help Curb Your Stress?

Stress is extremely common in today’s world. In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll, nearly eight in ten Americans report that they are either frequently or sometimes stressed in their everyday lives, while only four percent of respondents stated that they are never stressed.

With April being Stress Awareness Month, it’s important to bring to light how widespread stress is for people in this world, and also talk about ways that you can help curb the stress in your life. High levels of stress can have lasting effects on our body, including high blood pressure and heart issues, not to mention the mental health problems that could come along with it as well.

How To Help Ease Your Stress

Managing stress is a very important task to take on in your life, and the first step in doing so is recognizing and acknowledging what exactly is causing it. From there, you need to identify strategies around that stress-causing issue that will help you manage it better.

Additionally, you need to take care of yourself when stress is continuing to build up, and no, that doesn’t mean you have to take a vacation every other weekend.



Your Brain Is Starved Of These Nutrients. Time To Feed It.

The human brain is a magnificent specimen. Although it typically only weighs about two to three pounds, the brain consumes up to 50% of the body’s daily nutrients and “requires constant nourishment from the cardiovascular system.” It requires a constant supply of blood, to the tune of one quart per minute bring a steady flow of nutrients to it.

As we all know, our entire body works in unison to function, and in order for each system to continue to work optimally,



You Need To Add An Iodine Supplement To Your Life

As we here at Truehope have frequently discussed, the standard American diet does not provide our bodies with the sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals that it needs, which is why adding a supplement like Truehope EMPowerplus Advanced can have significant positive effects on both your mental and overall health.

Another element that our bodies cannot produce and most people lack within their diet is iodine. In fact, the CDC has found that as our diets have progressed over the years,



Here’s Why Amino Acids Are So Important For Your Health

“Amino acids are the building blocks of life.”

If you paid attention during high school science class, you’ll likely remember that phrase. If you didn’t, well, now you know. Amino acids are the raw, essential materials that your body needs to produce cells, bones, hormones, hair, skin, and more. They’re vital for other functions as well, including repairing tissue, absorbing nutrients, and are a crucial component for hormones and neurotransmitters–which are needed for physical and mental health.

Our body needs 20 amino acids in total to function and grow properly.



This Vitamin and Mineral Combo Helps With ADHD In Children

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, otherwise known as ADHD, is one of the most prevalent mental health concerns in children, affecting over six million kids per year. Some common signs of ADHD are difficulty paying attention and focusing, difficulty sitting still, as well as impulsive behaviors.

Unfortunately, once diagnosed with ADHD, most children are immediately put on medications–such as Ritalin, Adderall, or Vyvanse–to try and ease the symptoms that they are experiencing from the disorder, despite the magnitude of side effects that come along with those medications.


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You’re Flushing Your Vitamins Down The Toilet… Literally

Wastewater treatment plants can tell us a lot about what is going on in the world. For example, public health officials have been using data from plants to accurately predict upcoming COVID surges nearly a week before the positive cases started happening.

Another thing that wastewater treatment plants have told us is that our bodies aren’t absorbing (certain) vitamin and nutrient supplements, and even prescription drugs. Lower-quality vitamin supplements are simply passing right through the body and ending up in the sewage.



What You Drink Affects Your Mental Health, Too

It’s no secret that what you eat can have a major effect on your mental health. We here at Truehope have been discussing this extensively recently, whether it be foods you can eat to help battle seasonal depression or the fact that the standard American diet of highly processed foods has significant links to memory loss.

There’s also the growing number of research studies that are specifically exploring the increased rate of depression and its link with a poor diet.



A Healthy Gut Equals A Healthy Brain

We here at Truehope often discuss why it is extremely important to eat a healthy diet, both for your body’s overall well-being as well as for your mental health. Your body needs essential vitamins, minerals, and other elements in order to achieve balance and be at its best.

When the body isn’t getting what it needs, though, issues start to become present, both in the physical sense as well as internally, such as our mental health.

Studies Examining The Gut And Brain Connection

Researchers continue to find more and more links between gut health and mental health,



Examining The Link Between Heart Health and Micronutrients

The month of February has several associations with the heart. The two most prominent among those, however, are Valentine’s Day (of course) as well as the fact that February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and one-third of all global deaths each year can be attributed to cardiovascular disease overall.

Many doctors worldwide say that these deaths are mainly due to people’s unwise diet choices and high salt intake–although we’ve already talked about how important salt (the right kind of salt) is for your body–but another link continues to pop up in research all around the globe: micronutrient deficiency.



What You Are Eating Is Probably Making You Depressed

Rates of anxiety and depression continue to rise throughout the United States, as the national average has climbed to nearly 20% of the adult population currently experiencing at least a mild issue with their mental health.

Many people are pointing at the pandemic as the main reason why this rate continues to climb, but the fact of the matter is that the rates of reported depression among adults have been climbing steadily for years, even despite an “astounding increase in antidepressant use by Americans,” according to Harvard Medical School.

