Think Iodine, Not Toilet Paper: The Race to Protect Yourself & Your Family Against the Coronavirus Starts Now

NEWSFLASH: “Don’t squeeze the Charmin!” is out, and “Can’t find the Charmin!” is in.

This tongue-in-cheek comment visualizes the decimated toiletry shelves of stores around the world as the fear of the coronavirus slithers into communities, shooting panic into the hearts of many and confusion as to how to best respond.

Contrary to what many believe, coronavirus isn’t the newbie at the fear-inducing panic party. According to Cleveland Clinic, “the older human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s, but have likely circulated in humans for centuries.” It’s a virus that can affect both animals and humans and typically, most cases are mild. Symptoms initially mirror that of the flu: fever, headache, cough, fatigue, and muscle aches. But it can transition into pneumonia as it is known to deeply affect the respiratory system.

Live Science shared a study on March 11, 2020 that, although not peer-reviewed, casts a spotlight on one of the differences between the coronavirus and the flu and common cold. Live Science’s shared study “found that the (corona)virus can remain viable in the air for up to 3 hours, on copper for up to 4 hours,



Quitter’s Day: The Graveyard of New Year’s Resolutions

Research shows that the second Friday of January is the average day by which New Year’s resolution motivation skids to a halt. That day is termed Quitter’s Day.

Wow. The term ‘quitter’ is aggressive. Although it may technically describe what’s happening, the stopping of a behavior, that word summons negativity like a plague summons death.

The American Psychological Association claims 93% of people make New Year’s resolutions. If the majority of those 93% start to throw their New Year’s resolution in the trash by the second week,



Osteoporosis: The Myths, The Reality, & The Flare Gun

“By 2050, the worldwide incidence of hip fracture in men is projected to increase by 310% and 240% in women, compared to rates in 1990.”
~ International Osteoporosis Foundation

Osteoporosis is a disease that makes a person’s bones weak and more likely to break. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, approximately 10 million Americans have Osteoporosis and another 44 million have low bone density, which places them at an increased risk for osteoporosis. The likelihood of a woman suffering from osteoporosis is greater than that of a heart attack,



It’s What’s On The Outside That Matters

Why do we dirty a bowl with ice cream, outside of hygienic reasons, when we can create fewer dishes by eating directly out of the pint? Why do we pour chips into a plastic sandwich bag when we can take the entire bag to work and eat directly from it? 

Answer: The absence of food tells us when to stop eating, not the quantity.

Only our spoon or fingertips failing to grip remaining morsels of deliciousness make us stop eating. It’s not our stomach or our mind screaming at us to exercise proper portion control that stops our hand from searching for one more bite.



Riddle Me This: If your perspective chases perfection, how do you travel further from your ideal life the longer you chase it?

What can be felt but not touched?
What makes people feel like they have nothing by suggesting others have everything?
What has been linked to divorce, suicide, poor nutrition, and mental health issues?

The answer: Pressure

Pressure to look a certain way.
Pressure to earn enough money to keep up with the Joneses.
Pressure to have the perfect marriage.
Pressure to be the perfect parent.

All this pressure is leading people astray. 


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Health’s Mistress & Society’s Permanent Resident: Holiday Parties

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

Does the changing color of the autumn leaves represent death or transformation?

Does an obstacle catapult someone closer to success or further from it?

Does proper nutrition represent restrictive food choices or elevated mindfulness?

Perspective, as many have said, is everything. And there is, perhaps, no greater time to discuss perspective than the weeks preceding the holiday-eating trifecta: Halloween,



When Autumn Awakens the Struggle

Pumpkin spice and apple cider scents spill from store door fronts. Hay wagon rides round the pumpkin patches. Stadium lights illuminate the end zones. Schools find a routine. Calendars fill with upcoming holiday gatherings. Tree leaves transform into vibrant images so close to chalk drawings that we’re afraid to touch them for fear of smudging the beauty before us. 

It’s autumn.

For some, autumn is nostalgic. Their experiences mirror those just described. But what if behind the smiling faces at the tailgating party and social media posts of families smiling for fall family photos,



WHEN YOU MAKE ME WATCH: A Love Letter to Those Mental Illness Touches

Sometimes it’s best to skip statistics and shoot to the heart, specifically to the deepest recesses where memories hurt as much as they help. That’s where we find truth and perspective. It’s the imperfections in our lives, the pain and the struggle and the lessons learned, that are the fabric of our character and explain who we’ve become and where we intend to go. When we open up about what we’ve been through, either directly or indirectly, we find we’re more alike than different. 

In the spirit of vulnerability,



Iodine Purification Symptoms

When you begin your Truehope Nascent Iodine Protocol it is important that you start slowly, and gradually increase the Iodine as tolerated. If you go too quickly you may experience detoxification or purification symptoms while eliminating Bromide, Fluoride, and Chlorine. In some cases even though you have started very gradually on the Iodine you may still experience symptoms of detoxification that might cause some discomfort.

If this happens there is a solution. Iodine users often use the salt-loading protocol to clear bromide and many other detox symptoms.



4 reasons why EMPowerplus is better than generic multivitamins

It’s not uncommon for us to hear from people who say that our products are just too expensive, especially since most insurance plans won’t cover them. On the surface, EMPowerplus does seem expensive, especially if you’re under the impression that they’re just as good as generic multivitamins.

However, there are 4 specific things that show that EMPowerplus is actually great value for your money.

