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Negativity, Children, & Dr. Seuss: Self-Talk Matters
Muffin top.
Sausage roll.
Cottage cheese.
More wobble than a gobble.
Crescent rolls bursting along its seam.
The negative talk too many people think and say about their body is heartbreaking. There is nothing funny about feeling insecure, and there is nothing heart-warming about someone who makes a joke or spews sarcasm at their own expense.
Words Hold Power
Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria, Inc. (ADAVIC) was spot on when it said, “Even though you may expect only teenage girls to engage in negative body talk and body shaming, it actually exists among various ages, all genders, ethnicities, and body sizes.” ADAVIC went on to share a National Institute of Health study that reports “25% of males and 90% of females constantly engage in negative body talk.”
This needs to stop.
You set the boundaries of how others treat you and for most people, they set those boundaries clearly and quickly. But people can struggle to create boundaries for their own tongues and thoughts. The same person who would never befriend someone who talks down to them and makes them feel like garbage is the same person who references their body with negative talk and a palpable loathing undertone.