5 Habits To Start Right Now To Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health plays a pivotal role in our quality of life, yet many people tend to only focus on the aspects of it that make it worse, and then react accordingly. However, there are many action items that anyone can implement right now to help improve their mental wellbeing.

Habits That Will Improve Your Mental Health

Every person is different when it comes to their mental health, but here are some habits that you can add into your life right now that will help improve your mental wellbeing..

  1. Get your daily vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients – Yes, these things are that important. Just look at the plethora of scientific research that has been completed on Truehope EMPowerplus. EMPowerplus contains 36 ​​vitamins, minerals, and amino acids and provides a broad spectrum, highly absorbable range of nutrients that are essential to brain function.
  2. Get enough sleep – We all live very busy lives, there’s no doubt about that, but you need to rest your body. A recent research study found that people are 2.5 times more likely to have problems with their mental health if they get less than 6 hours of sleep per night.



Taking A Break From Social Media For Your Mental Health

Social media has become so ingrained and commonplace in our everyday life that most of us can’t imagine a day without it. The amount of daily time spent on social media apps and websites over the years has steadily risen, from an average of 90 minutes per day by users in 2012 to an average of 147 minutes per day in 2022.

That is nearly two and a half hours each day, and that’s even on the low end for some,



Are The Medications For Mental Health Actually Working?

Drug use in relation to mental health is on the rise, and we’re not talking about the illegal kind of drugs. Over 65 million people in the United States are now taking at least one prescription medication to help with their mental health, equating out to one in five Americans.

COVID-19 is largely being blamed for this increase in mental health issues across the world, with an estimated 25% increase in anxiety and depression due to the pandemic.




What You Drink Affects Your Mental Health, Too

It’s no secret that what you eat can have a major effect on your mental health. We here at Truehope have been discussing this extensively recently, whether it be foods you can eat to help battle seasonal depression or the fact that the standard American diet of highly processed foods has significant links to memory loss.

There’s also the growing number of research studies that are specifically exploring the increased rate of depression and its link with a poor diet.



4 Healthy Ways To Help Curb Anxiety & Improve Mental Health

Anxiety is something that many people deal with every single day, and it can be a crippling vice to your overall mental health. It is estimated that nearly 20% of the U.S. population is confronted with an anxiety disorder each year, and those numbers have continued to rise higher and higher as we’ve had to deal with the COVID pandemic for the last two-plus years.

Unfortunately, many people tend to respond to “this is just normal life” when it comes to their anxiety,


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Probiotics and the Mental Health Connection

Most of us are familiar with antibiotics, and chances are you have been prescribed one by your doctor at some point in your life. As defined by the CDC, “antibiotics are medicines that fight infections caused by bacteria in humans and animals either by killing the bacteria or making it difficult for the bacteria to grow and multiply.”

However, while antibiotics are definitely helpful when you’re dealing with an infection, there are four important words to note in that definition above: “by killing the bacteria.” Unfortunately,



Pandemic Brain Underscores The Importance Of Micronutrients

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the world as we know it. Millions of people from all over the globe have died from the coronavirus, and among those that have recovered from it, there is still a significant number of people that continue to struggle with “Long COVID” symptoms months and months after they’ve received the “all clear” to return to their normal lifestyle.

But what about those that haven’t gotten COVID-19? Are they affected at all even though they have yet to contract the virus?



The Amount of Sugar We Consume Is Hurting Our Mental Health

America has a sugar problem.

Most of us will admit that we tend to have a sweet tooth from time to time, but when you actually look at the statistics surrounding sugar consumption in this country, the numbers are pretty jaw-dropping; the average American consumes over 70 grams of added sugar per day, which is well above the recommended maximum (38 grams for men and 25 grams for women and children).

The trends aren’t getting any better, either.



Feeling Higher Levels of Anxiety? It’s Time To Check Your Gut

If you’re feeling more anxious lately, you’re not alone. Reported symptoms of anxiety and depression rose over 5 percent during the 2020 pandemic, and it’s estimated that nearly one in  three adults in the U.S. will experience some sort of anxiety disorder in their lifetime. 

With those numbers, not many people will be too surprised to note an increase in pharmaceutical prescriptions as well; anti-anxiety drugs along with antidepressants have seen a significant increase in prescription rates over the last year,



Alzheimer’s Could Actually Be Prevented. Here’s How

Did you know that less than 1 percent of those with Alzheimer’s develop it because of a rare genetic mutation? According to experts, that suggests that the remaining 99% of the Alzheimer’s population could’ve potentially prevented or dramatically slowed down the progression of the disease. “This doesn’t make sense,” you say. “Why then are there so many cases if so many cases can be prevented?” Read on to learn more and to learn why.

Brain Degeneration Starts Decades Before Serious Signs

So many people suffer from this debilitating disease because the brain changes that lead to Alzheimer’s begin 20-30 years before an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.

