4 Healthy Ways To Help Curb Anxiety & Improve Mental Health

Anxiety is something that many people deal with every single day, and it can be a crippling vice to your overall mental health. It is estimated that nearly 20% of the U.S. population is confronted with an anxiety disorder each year, and those numbers have continued to rise higher and higher as we’ve had to deal with the COVID pandemic for the last two-plus years.

Unfortunately, many people tend to respond to “this is just normal life” when it comes to their anxiety, and refuse to make changes to improve their mental health. Thankfully, though, there are a few small tweaks that you can make in your life right now that can help with anxiety and boost your overall mental health.

4 Ways To Help Treat Anxiety In Your Life

  1. Eat Better and Get Your Nutrients – Doctors are quick to write a prescription for anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications. Yet, the number of people reporting anxiety and depression is at an all-time high. Why is that? Because we’re not a very healthy population. People aren’t eating their fruits and vegetables, and almost one in three are deficient in at least one vitamin.



Autumn’s Effect On Sleep, Anxiety, Depression, & Health

The skyline of burnt orange, rich gold, and rustic red make the trees resemble a chalk drawing that’s so exquisite that you’re afraid to touch it for fear of smudging the image. The pumpkins adorn the thresholds, and the smell of sweet cinnamon is second only to the sights of people sipping apple cider, sitting around the bonfire, and cheering under the Friday night lights. It’s autumn, and your cozy sweaters are ready to report for duty.

The above description of autumn is nostalgic;



Pumpkins May Love Autumn, But Your Immune System Does Not

The connection between temperature and one’s immune system is about more than just your body signaling sickness with a fever. With autumn’s arrival and winter’s approach, the cooler temperatures and shorter days increase the time spent indoors. And since poorly ventilated indoor areas set the perfect landscape for infectious diseases to spread, it makes sense that as people spend more time indoors, their opportunity to experience an attack on their immune system increases.

In addition to autumn signaling the start to more indoor time,



The American Diet Is Even Worse Than You May Think

It’s a stereotype that we often hear, but it’s also very true: Americans aren’t a very healthy group of people. Over one in three people in the United States are considered obese, and there are only eleven countries in the world that have a higher percentage of obese adults than the USA.

What’s even more shocking (and I use that term loosely) is that a new study was recently published by the Mayo Clinic Proceedings that found that less than 3 percent of Americans live a “healthy lifestyle.”

The standard American day has become one that is built on speed and convenience.



A Fight With Your Fork Ends Up Stabbing You in Your Health

Starting each day with a nutritional supplement, like EMPowerplus Advanced, is fantastic, but a vitamin alone won’t save you from the mountain of processed food and sugary beverages you consume.

You’ve Already Learned the Secret

You’ve likely heard one or more of the following common phrases:

“You are what you eat.”
“Abs are made in the kitchen.”
“Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise.”
“You can’t outrun your fork.”

These phrases are common for a reason;


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Chronic Stress: Admit It Exists & Disarm It With Consistency

April is Stress Awareness Month. According to Healthline and other health experts, “stress is a natural physical and mental reaction to life experiences” that “can be beneficial to your health” for immediate, short-term situations. The issue, Healthline points out, is “if your stress response doesn’t stop firing, and these stress levels stay elevated far longer than is necessary for survival.”

Symptoms & Consequences of Chronic Stress

What are the symptoms and consequences of chronic stress,



Osteoporosis: “Childhood Disease with Old-Age Consequences”

Osteoporosis is “a childhood disease with old-age consequences.” 

NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases adds that “the health habits your kids are forming now can make, or literally break, their bones as they age.” How is this possible, you ask? Mayo Clinic reminds you that “your bones are in a constant state of renewal– new bone is made, and old bone is broken down. When you’re young, your body makes new bone faster than it breaks down old bone,



Osteoporosis: ‘The Silent Killer’ Creeps

Low bone density or osteoporosis victimizes 54 million Americans. The National Osteoporosis Foundation says, “one in two women and up to one in four men over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis.” 

Bones Create, Breakdown, & Replace But Not At the Same Rate

Mayo Clinic sums up osteoporosis succinctly, stating that “bone is living tissue that is constantly being broken down and replaced. Osteoporosis occurs when the creation of new bone doesn’t keep up with the loss of old bone.” Referring to bones as ‘living’ is both a truth and a call for a mind shift.



Amino Acids & Workout Recovery: A Match Made in Heaven

As Tommy Boone, Ph.D. board-certified exercise physiologist, says, “tiny tears form in the muscles [when you exercise] that help them grow bigger and stronger as they heal.” Since exercise creates tiny tears in muscles, it makes sense that preventing muscle damage and starting the muscle recovery process should be a high priority for exercisers everywhere.

Muscle-Related Benefits of Amino Acids

Healthline identifies four muscle-related benefits of amino acids:

  1. Increase Muscle Growth
    1. “… leucine [an essential amino acid] activates a certain pathway in the body that stimulates muscle protein synthesis,



Don’t Let Holiday Parties Be a “Hell, No!” For Your Health

Family parties. 
New Year’s Eve celebrations. 
Elevating your spirit in the name of holiday cheer. 

There are countless opportunities during the holiday season to indulge, but what internally happens when you cave into external stimuli? Excessive bubbly. Avalanches of sugar, fat, and sodium. It’s safe to say that the holidays bring the most health obstacles per square mile of your year. 

It’s Not a Treat; It’s Your Lifestyle 

Dr. Holly Wyatt, medical director for seasons four and five of ABC’s TV show Extreme Weight Loss,

