When Antibiotics Upset the Gut, Prebiotics Report for Duty

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) define antibiotics as “medicines that fight infections caused by bacteria in humans and animals by either killing the bacteria or making it difficult for the bacteria to grow and multiply.”

The Rarely Discussed Side Effects of Antibiotics

You may be well aware of the wonders of antibiotics and likely have experienced their ability to deliver sickness a knockout, but do you know the less than glamorous side of antibiotics?

  • Fact: “Your gut houses about 80% of the body’s immune cells,” which is a monstrous issue when “antibiotics damage your child’s gut bacteria [and] causes an imbalance called dysbiosis.”
  • Fact: Common side effects of antibiotics include rash, nausea, diarrhea, and yeast infections.

Healthline released an article entitled 5 Frightening Consequences of Overusing Antibiotics where they spotlight the following:

  • “Antibiotics Increase Fatal Diarrhea Cases in Children”
  • “Antibiotics Can Upset Sensitive Gut Flora”
  • “Antibiotics Help Teach Good Bacteria to Go Bad”
  • “Antibiotics Are Increasing Cases of Untreatable Gonorrhea”

Prebiotics Move Into the Spotlight

This is not a conversation on whether or not the world needs antibiotics because the answer is a loud and resounding yes!



Start Treating Your Heart Like You Can’t Live Without It

February is American Heart Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • “Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States.”
  • “One person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease.”
  • “About 18.2 million adults age 20 and older have CAD [Coronary Artery Disease].”
  • “In the United States, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds.”
  • “About 1 in 5 heart attacks are silent–



Spoiler Alert: Breakfast Isn’t What You Think

For many, breakfast implies an early morning meal. If you don’t eat your first meal until closer to noon, you’ll likely call it lunch. But in actuality, breakfast means “to break the fasting period of the prior night.” By definition, breakfast is the first meal you eat after your longest rest and whether that meal is at 6 am or 2 pm doesn’t matter.

Reprogram Your Breakfast Mindset 

You’ve likely heard loved ones, teachers, commercials, and countless other sources preach the importance of starting each day with a healthy breakfast.



Bowels: Remove the Taboo & Embrace the Importance

“Die of embarrassment” and “racked with pain” are two common expressions that alone are bad enough, but together they’re toxic and paralyzing. 

Embarrassment is a reality that makes you exit social situations and knocks down your self-confidence. While pain cripples you, demolishing your ability to live a quality of life you desire and draining your well of positivity until the darkness you’re left with cloaks your world and extinguishes your light. Given all this, it’s no surprise that the collision of embarrassment and pain often triggers mouths to close and silent suffering to commence–



Wound Care is an Inside Job

When you think of a wound, Neosporin and bandaids often jump to the forefront of your mind. But what about amino acids?

“Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that appears to enhance wound repair and immune function. Arginine supplementation in surgical patients results in higher collagen deposition, protein accumulation, and immune activity compared to controls.” ~ nata.org

“Immunonutrition is already known to decrease wound complications, and there is evidence which suggests that in certain circumstances, it improves the process and efficiency of wound healing.


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Counting Z’s Isn’t Just for Sleeping Beauty

The CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reports that “1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep.” Why does it matter if you’d rather devote hours toward binge-watching Netflix and diving headfirst into the black hole of social media than sleep? An article entitled The Unstoppable Power of a Good Night’s Sleep reports that sleep deprivation leads you to:

  • Be “more stressed, creating a higher risk of developing hypertension.”
  • Be “more likely to experience weight gain.”
  • “Have a higher risk of developing cancer.”

Benefits of Sleep

The before-mentioned article also points out how great sleep,



Break It Down By Properly Fueling Up

Amino Acids are explained repeatedly as the ‘building blocks’ of protein. Although this is 100% true, that description doesn’t do the importance of amino acids justice. You may hear the word protein and think, “I get plenty of that!” But in actuality, “it has been reported that patients with liver cirrhosis suffer from protein malnutrition despite taking in adequate food.” You may hear that and say, “well, I don’t have liver cirrhosis, so I’m still not concerned about amino acids.” To that I ask you,



Amino Acids & Workout Recovery: A Match Made in Heaven

As Tommy Boone, Ph.D. board-certified exercise physiologist, says, “tiny tears form in the muscles [when you exercise] that help them grow bigger and stronger as they heal.” Since exercise creates tiny tears in muscles, it makes sense that preventing muscle damage and starting the muscle recovery process should be a high priority for exercisers everywhere.

Muscle-Related Benefits of Amino Acids

Healthline identifies four muscle-related benefits of amino acids:

  1. Increase Muscle Growth
    1. “… leucine [an essential amino acid] activates a certain pathway in the body that stimulates muscle protein synthesis,



Holiday Goodies: Plan Ahead & Leave the Guilt at the Door

The holiday season summons two traditions that are better left alone: overconsumption and then guilt about that consumption.

Reign in Your Feasting & Toss the Guilt Out the Window.

Yes, your grandmother’s annual gingerbread cookies smell like Christmas and taste like heaven. Of course, your mother makes the perfect holiday sugar cookie and caramel apple pie. Never would you pass up Aunt Diane’s frozen apricot brandy slushies, Aunt Kathy’s homemade buckeyes, or Aunt Maryann’s triple-layer cookie bars.

An avalanche of health-chokehold-situations goes hand-in-hand with the holidays.



Buddy the Elf: Positivity Beacon & Holiday Blues Deterrent

Summon your positive energy and display your most festive holiday cheer because December 18th is Answer the Telephone Like Buddy the Elf Day. The movie Elf follows the life of Buddy, a human raised by elves, who believes the human spirit is more powerful than the sharpness of people’s tongues and jaded hearts. He’s an unsuspecting hero in a time when money and status rule, creating a domino effect that changes lives for the better and hearts forever.

Mental Health Issues & … Continued
