Feeling Higher Levels of Anxiety? It’s Time To Check Your Gut

If you’re feeling more anxious lately, you’re not alone. Reported symptoms of anxiety and depression rose over 5 percent during the 2020 pandemic, and it’s estimated that nearly one in  three adults in the U.S. will experience some sort of anxiety disorder in their lifetime. 

With those numbers, not many people will be too surprised to note an increase in pharmaceutical prescriptions as well; anti-anxiety drugs along with antidepressants have seen a significant increase in prescription rates over the last year, with some reporting an increase as high as 86% among prescribed psychotropic drugs in March and April.

But what if those anxiety rates could be lowered simply by making a few small (and healthy) changes in your life? 

The Gut-Brain Connection With Mental Health

You can remember back to one of our previous blogs in June, which put a spotlight on The Better Brain book by Drs. Bonnie J. Kaplan and Julia J. Rucklidge, leading scientists in the nutrition and mental health arenas. Not only does The Better Brain explain how and why nutrition and mental health are connected, but also includes a comprehensive program on how to use nutrition to improve your own mental health.



An Easy Way To Remember To Take Your Vitamins Every Day

Does this sound familiar? You decide to turn a new nutritional leaf over. An article you read or something you heard or someone you know triggers an epiphany.

“How could you go for this long without taking a daily nutritional supplement?” you ask yourself.

So now, wiser and more committed to your health than ever before, you do your research and purchase a well-known and well-proven nutritional supplement like EMPowerplus Advanced. You faithfully start your day with the supplement for the first few days,



Your Body Needs These 6 Nutrients & Here’s How To Get Them

By definition, the word essential means absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, though, the world thinks of nutrients, even those deemed essential, as optional.

From money spent to time invested, the food receiving the majority of attention and consumption are those laden with fat, sodium, sugar, and so many preservatives that experts find a hard time calling much of what the U.S. eats food.

Decode “Essential” Nutrition, One Essential Nutrient at a Time

There are six essential nutrients that your body can’t make in the quantity it needs.



Control Your Attitude & Brain One Nutrient at a Time

We are a nation in pain with over 264 million people of all ages suffering from depression. For many, a conversation on poor nutrition conjures photos of someone standing on a bathroom scale and staring helplessly at the numbers as they climb higher and higher. But how many people realize the connection between poor nutrition and the brain?

Poor Nutrition Affects More Than Just Your Waistline

Your brain is part of your body, which means that poor nutrition affects it just as much as it affects your waistline.



The Key To Get Better Sleep and Manage Stress: Inositol

You don’t have to suffer. Your COVID-fied stress coupled with the everyday stressors of adulting is manageable. So stop berating yourself for a low resiliency to the pressures of your world. You can’t always control what the world throws at you, but you can and should work to improve your attitude and response to what is thrown.

You Can Quiet Your Mind & Strengthen Your Resilience

Inositol is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s not a vitamin because your body can produce it, but that doesn’t stop many people from referring to it as vitamin B8.


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Change Your Perspective on Aging By Changing Your Diet

September is Healthy Aging Month, and it focuses on the positive aspects of aging. In a world that often treats every new wrinkle and every grey hair as a valid reason to panic, it’s refreshing to hear aging embraced as the beautiful and wisdom-fueled journey that it is for so many–and can be for so many more.

Perspective, Mood, & Diet: Their Connection is Undeniable

Aging ushers in experiences, good and bad, that can heighten your perspective of yourself, others,



Poor Sleep Triggers More Than Bags; It Summons Pain

Pain is not a word that’s often thrown into the conversation on poor sleep, even though poor sleep can lead to muscle and joint pain. Instead, a conversation on poor sleep ushers in thoughts of bags under your eyes, a cartoon animal taping his eyelids open, and sluggishness that’s only fixed with a cup of coffee. But those pesky bags under your eyes are the least of your worries when poor sleep is a nighttime ritual.

Poor Sleep & Pain Go Hand-In-Hand

Research proves that poor sleep:

  • Lowers your pain tolerance
  • Increases the intensity of your pain
  • Increases your chances of experiencing chronic pain

What the above bullets mean is that poor sleep changes your resiliency to pain,



Alzheimer’s Could Actually Be Prevented. Here’s How

Did you know that less than 1 percent of those with Alzheimer’s develop it because of a rare genetic mutation? According to experts, that suggests that the remaining 99% of the Alzheimer’s population could’ve potentially prevented or dramatically slowed down the progression of the disease. “This doesn’t make sense,” you say. “Why then are there so many cases if so many cases can be prevented?” Read on to learn more and to learn why.

Brain Degeneration Starts Decades Before Serious Signs

So many people suffer from this debilitating disease because the brain changes that lead to Alzheimer’s begin 20-30 years before an Alzheimer’s diagnosis.



The #1 Trick To Get Kids To Take Their Vitamins

Vitamins are part of the morning routine that triggers many children to hide behind their scrambled eggs. They can trigger a gag reflex with all their pill-form glory, and their lack of taste can turn children off. Children’s aversion to vitamins is a huge issue, but luckily for parents and guardians across the globe, there’s a solution.

‘Who you gonna call?’ EMPowerplus POWDERS!

When children complain about multivitamins, it may tempt you to avoid the morning argument by skipping them altogether. But vitamins aren’t the issue;



Your Family Tree Holds the Secret: Look Back to Move Forward

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.” ~ Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Look in your pantry. Consider the foods and drinks that form your diet. Now ask yourself, “would my furthest ancestor call what I eat food?” It’s hard to imagine that the oldest branch on your family tree would know what to do with twinkies, energy drinks, and grease-soaked fast-food wrappers. They may be quicker to identify the food as a potential poison than potential fuel for your body and brain–

