Pandemic Brain Underscores The Importance Of Micronutrients

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the world as we know it. Millions of people from all over the globe have died from the coronavirus, and among those that have recovered from it, there is still a significant number of people that continue to struggle with “Long COVID” symptoms months and months after they’ve received the “all clear” to return to their normal lifestyle.

But what about those that haven’t gotten COVID-19? Are they affected at all even though they have yet to contract the virus?

According to a new study out of Harvard Medical School, the answer is yes. 

What Is Pandemic Brain?

“Pandemic Brain” is a term that is starting to be used more frequently throughout scientific circles, as it is becoming more and more apparent that even people that haven’t contracted the COVID-19 virus are still being negatively affected by it.

To put it simply, “Pandemic Brain” is what is being seen among people that are experiencing increased neuroinflammation in the brain, causing stress, depression, brain fog, and other mental health issues despite never being infected by the virus. The study out of Harvard Medical School found that “pandemic-related stressors” were the likely cause behind this.



The Amount of Sugar We Consume Is Hurting Our Mental Health

America has a sugar problem.

Most of us will admit that we tend to have a sweet tooth from time to time, but when you actually look at the statistics surrounding sugar consumption in this country, the numbers are pretty jaw-dropping; the average American consumes over 70 grams of added sugar per day, which is well above the recommended maximum (38 grams for men and 25 grams for women and children).

The trends aren’t getting any better, either.



Your Child’s Brain Will Thank You For More Fruits & Veggies

As we enter into the holiday season, people all over the country will count their blessings and be mindful of what they’re thankful for during Thanksgiving. The holidays also bring along with it delicious treats and excess eating, but that’s a topic to discuss another time.

Today we’re talking about the youth of the nation and their eating habits. As we recently discussed on the Truehope blog, the American diet is broken, with less than 3 percent of Americans living what is considered a “healthy lifestyle.” And,



Nutrient Supplements Are Even More Important For Diabetics

Every time the 14th of November rolls around, World Diabetes Day does as well, giving us yet another sad reminder of just how many lives that the disease is affecting worldwide. In the United States alone, there are nearly 27 million diabetics with an estimated 7 million more currently undiagnosed. 

That total of over 34 million Americans equals right around 13% of the total population. In other words, for each of your ten friends and family members, at least one of them is diabetic (on average). 



Pumpkin Is Good For Your Health, Just Not In A Latte

Move over, pumpkin spice lattes, we’re not talking about you right now.

While it’s true that autumn often brings to mind pumpkin spice lattes (or PSLs for short) as well as pumpkin pies on the Thanksgiving table, the actual pumpkin fruit–yes, it’s technically a fruit–actually has a lot of health benefits in its natural form. Even pumpkin seeds can be a great treat to snack on while watching Netflix instead of items like potato chips and other unhealthy snacks.

3 Health Benefits of Pumpkin

  1. Pumpkin is packed with vitamins and low in calories.


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6 Ways to Cut Out Processed Foods From Your Diet

Processed foods are (rightfully) earning a bad rap. They are known for their unhealthy levels of added sugar, sodium, and fat– all ingredients that can lead to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. 

Processed foods are the archnemesis of good health, and yet, they make up over 60% of the American diet. And if you’re not sure if something is processed, ask yourself if it’s commercially packaged and not in its natural state. If your ancestors wouldn’t recognize it many generations ago,



Autumn’s Effect On Sleep, Anxiety, Depression, & Health

The skyline of burnt orange, rich gold, and rustic red make the trees resemble a chalk drawing that’s so exquisite that you’re afraid to touch it for fear of smudging the image. The pumpkins adorn the thresholds, and the smell of sweet cinnamon is second only to the sights of people sipping apple cider, sitting around the bonfire, and cheering under the Friday night lights. It’s autumn, and your cozy sweaters are ready to report for duty.

The above description of autumn is nostalgic;



Tips & Motivation for Conquering Lactose Intolerance

Not too long ago, I spoke with a 6th grade class about nutrition. When the school bell rang and students filed out of the room, one student stayed behind. “Hi!” I cheerfully greeted her when she walked toward me. 

What she said next floored me. 

She let me know that her bones are too brittle to play sports due to her lactose intolerance. She shared with me that she loves volleyball and all the sports her classmates pursue but that her doctor says her risk of fractured and broken bones are too great to play.



Pumpkins May Love Autumn, But Your Immune System Does Not

The connection between temperature and one’s immune system is about more than just your body signaling sickness with a fever. With autumn’s arrival and winter’s approach, the cooler temperatures and shorter days increase the time spent indoors. And since poorly ventilated indoor areas set the perfect landscape for infectious diseases to spread, it makes sense that as people spend more time indoors, their opportunity to experience an attack on their immune system increases.

In addition to autumn signaling the start to more indoor time,



The American Diet Is Even Worse Than You May Think

It’s a stereotype that we often hear, but it’s also very true: Americans aren’t a very healthy group of people. Over one in three people in the United States are considered obese, and there are only eleven countries in the world that have a higher percentage of obese adults than the USA.

What’s even more shocking (and I use that term loosely) is that a new study was recently published by the Mayo Clinic Proceedings that found that less than 3 percent of Americans live a “healthy lifestyle.”

The standard American day has become one that is built on speed and convenience.

