An Easy Way To Remember To Take Your Vitamins Every Day
Does this sound familiar? You decide to turn a new nutritional leaf over. An article you read or something you heard or someone you know triggers an epiphany.
“How could you go for this long without taking a daily nutritional supplement?” you ask yourself.
So now, wiser and more committed to your health than ever before, you do your research and purchase a well-known and well-proven nutritional supplement like EMPowerplus Advanced. You faithfully start your day with the supplement for the first few days, maybe even a week.
And then you forget one day to take it, which leads to a second day, and eventually, that supplement container collects dust on your shelf.
How to Turn Consuming Supplements Into Your New Normal
First thing’s first: Do not beat yourself up when attempting to form a new habit isn’t easy. Research shows that a person creates a new habit only after 18 to 254 days of engaging in the behavior. This means you need to take a daily nutritional supplement 18 to 254 days in a row before reaching for it becomes instinctual.
To set yourself up for success,