Negativity, Children, & Dr. Seuss: Self-Talk Matters

Muffin top.
Sausage roll.
Cottage cheese.
More wobble than a gobble.
Crescent rolls bursting along its seam.

The negative talk too many people think and say about their body is heartbreaking. There is nothing funny about feeling insecure, and there is nothing heart-warming about someone who makes a joke or spews sarcasm at their own expense.

Words Hold Power

Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria, Inc. (ADAVIC) was spot on when it said, “Even though you may expect only teenage girls to engage in negative body talk and body shaming, it actually exists among various ages, all genders, ethnicities, and body sizes.” ADAVIC went on to share a National Institute of Health study that reports “25% of males and 90% of females constantly engage in negative body talk.”

This needs to stop.

You set the boundaries of how others treat you and for most people, they set those boundaries clearly and quickly. But people can struggle to create boundaries for their own tongues and thoughts. The same person who would never befriend someone who talks down to them and makes them feel like garbage is the same person who references their body with negative talk and a palpable loathing undertone.



Your Skin: Worn Every Day & Craving Protection

Tank tops.
Jean shorts.
Boat rides.
Tan lines.

As spring nears its end and summer prepares to commence, visions of longer days and the sun’s inviting warmth call to us. We long for the hours of extra sunshine and for some, there is also a yearning for a change in their complexion. A desire for a decent tan pushes many to throw caution to the wind and forgo reapplying sunscreen or to forget the sunscreen altogether.



Positive Touch & Social Distancing: Their Marriage Matters

An article published on March 13th of 2020 about current Google trends included a heartbreaking sentence: Searches for loneliness have peaked at the highest point in Trends history, since 2004.

Physical Touch: The Ghost of What Used to Be

As fears of the coronavirus and the virus itself engulf the world and social distancing becomes more important than family traditions, human contact, outside of one’s home, disappears from society’s landscape.

Grandmothers no longer kiss their grandchildren’s heads as they bake chocolate chip cookies together,



Coronavirus: Embrace the Demise of Your Rose-Colored Glasses

With an undeniable positive spirit and exuberance for life, he prepares to share his words on the popular social networking service called TikTok. From the moment he says “hello” in the online video until the end of the 31 seconds that follows, he exemplifies the best of humanity. He grips the handrail as he stands and with all the wisdom of his retired, seasoned self he shares his truth.

One look in his direction and viewers easily imagine his backstory being that of a grandfather who,



How You Deal with Well-Being, Not Academics, Matters Now

An unidentified Facebook post made a coronavirus-related comment that runs on a scrolling marquee in my mind. In summary, it said that the next couple of months are more pivotal to students’ well-being than their academic learning.

This is both powerful and true.

Classrooms Then

Unless a student is homeschooled, they are conditioned to respond to in-class and structured learning. They walk to school or jump out of their parents’ vehicles or step off the bus steps with themed backpacks and brushed hair and teeth.


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September 11th & the Coronavirus: Don’t Repeat History

I am concerned.

Nearly 20 years ago, our world stopped. Life as we knew it no longer existed, and we struggled to accept the horrific, life-altering events of September 11, 2001. From the moment the first tower crumbled, shattering more lives than windows and altering the projection of countless families in a heartbeat, rarely was an adult conversation had that didn’t reference the tragedy, especially in the first year.

The connection between September 11th & the Coronavirus

As the news channel blared from the television set so lunch could still be made in the kitchen while mom listened to the latest 9-11 coverage and the reporters shared theories and dark,



A Healthy Body is Impossible to Achieve Without Healthy Cells

  • 90% of North Americans are deficient in this mineral
  • The World Health Organization proclaims it the number one prevention of mental and physical disabilities, especially in utero (i.e. before birth)
  • It is one of the rare health supplements recommended by the FDA for pregnant and lactating women, infants, and young children

What is it?


The body requires iodine to produce thyroid hormones, and iodine also increases the efficiency of the metabolism.



Chuck the Format & Tether Your Heartache: I Know You Suffer

This piece is for those who silently suffer. May you have the courage to expose the pain behind your smile.

Lower the emotional shield you created when life was too brutal for your heart and mind to fight. When we share the scars and lessons learned, we connect with others at the deepest of levels. To each and every one of you reading this, I want you to know that I know.

I know the silver spoon you were born with came at the cost of an absent parent.



Coronavirus & Flu: The Annihilators of the 2020 Immune System Battlefield

March 6, 2020 Headline
The Chronicle of Higher Education
U. of Washington Cancels In-Person Classes, Becoming First Major U.S. Institution to Do So Amid Coronavirus Fears

March 5, 2020 Headline
The New York Times
‘When can we go to school?’ Nearly 300 Million Children are Missing Class

March 5, 2020 Headline
Los Angeles Times
The flu has killed far more people than coronavirus. So why all the frenzy about COVID-19?



Be Your Best to Give Your Best: A Caretaker PSA

Green isn’t just for St. Patrick’s Day. The month of March is also National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, which is proudly represented with the green awareness ribbon.

The CDC defines Cerebral Palsy (CP) as follows: a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture. The CDC also notes that CP “is the most common motor disability in childhood” and that cerebral refers to brain and palsy refers to weakness or problem with using muscles.

