Meditation could ease your depression

You’ve probably heard that meditation can improve your mental health.  Did you also know that some studies show that people who use mindfulness-based cognitive therapy might even be able to reduce or eliminate ant-depressant medication?



Psychiatric drugs becoming more scarce

Last week, CBC News ran a story about the growing scarcity of psychiatric drugs despite the similarly growing awareness of mental health problems in our society.



Nutrient Intake and ADHD

Last summer, the Journal of Attention Disorders published a study examining the relationship between dietary patterns and ADHD.

After examining 1172 adolescents with an ADHD diagnosis, researchers identified two major dietary patterns in the sample: western and healthy. The western dietary pattern included higher intakes of total fat, saturated fat, refined sugars, and sodium, and lower intakes of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and folate. The healthy dietary pattern had higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids,



Is Truehope a cure?

One of the most common themes among accusations made by those trying to detract from Truehope’s vision to restore and maintain mental and physical well-being is that we claim that our products are cures.

We’ve had people accuse us of claiming that EMPowerplus cures schizophrenia, that it cures bipolar, that it cures depression. We’ve even had people accuse us of claiming that it cures everything under the sun.

It’s important that we set the record straight.



Man Therapy

Did you know that men are less likely than women to seek professional help for mental health challenges? Consider the following from the Canadian Mental Health Association:

The “code” governing men’s behaviour is one of the prime barriers preventing men from seeking help. According to UK-based, men may feel it’s “weak and unmanly to admit to feelings of despair.” Because it’s easier for men to acknowledge physical symptoms, rather than emotional ones, their mental health problems can go undiagnosed.


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The role doctors play in the Truehope program

It probably isn’t much of a surprise to most people to know that Truehope has some critics of EMPowerplus. These detractors criticize the work we do and label us quacks, snake oil sales persons, and scam artists. Some accuse us of being interested in only making money and that we oppose the work of mental health professionals.

I thought this might be a good time to briefly touch on our support program.



Exercise doesn’t help depression. Are you sure?

You probably read several stories last week about a study in the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) that reportedly claimed exercise no longer helps with managing depression, which many had believed it did. The study was picked up by media outlets (starting with BBC NewsDaily Mail, and Guardian in the UK, then spreading throughout the world) whose shocking headlines indicated that exercising no longer does anything for depression.

A few days later, The Mental Elf (a blog that analyzes and reports on mental health research) released a summary of what the research actually says,

