Choline levels in diet of pregnant mothers can affect mental health of children

Last month, researchers at Cornell University and the University of Rochester published a paper in the FASEB Journal indicating that expectant mothers who consumed greater amounts of choline than usual may help lower their infants’ vulnerability to stress-related and metabolic disorders.

More choline in the mother’s diet leads to less cortisol in the foetus, which then decreases a baby’s lifelong risk of stress-related and metabolic disorders.



Why Truehope insists on independent research

Shortly after Truehope founders, Anthony Stephan and David Hardy, discovered the Truehope formula, they realized it was critical that their discovery was validated by science. They finally found a researcher at the University of Calgary who was willing (but reluctant) to try EMPowerplus in a pilot study.

Twelve years later, EMPowerplus has been the subject of 19 academic papers, including case-control designs, case studies using with-subject crossover designs, open-label case series, case reports with extensive historical treatment information,



Study shows EMPowerplus can lower bipolar depression and mania levels

Last month, researchers at Ohio State University published a study in the Journal of Alternative Complimentary Medicine on the effect of EMPowerplus on people with Child-Onset Bipolar Spectrum Disorder. The results of the study are encouraging.

Researchers tracked the depression and mania levels of 7 child participants using the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present Episode-Depression Rating Scale and the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present Episode-Mania Rating Scale, respectively.



Nutrient Intake and ADHD

Last summer, the Journal of Attention Disorders published a study examining the relationship between dietary patterns and ADHD.

After examining 1172 adolescents with an ADHD diagnosis, researchers identified two major dietary patterns in the sample: western and healthy. The western dietary pattern included higher intakes of total fat, saturated fat, refined sugars, and sodium, and lower intakes of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and folate. The healthy dietary pattern had higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids,



Does EMPowerplus need randomized controlled and double blind studies to prove it works?

One of the demands EMPowerplus critics continue to put to us is the need for randomized controlled, double blind, placebo controlled studies. To many in the scientific world (particularly those analyzing quantitative data), those three elements are a holy grail of sorts.

The premise is that these trials eliminate bias: bias from the participant and bias from the researcher.

The problem with insisting on this type of research as being the only research that can produce reliable data is that, at least in Truehope’s case,


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New research shows EMPowerplus can reduce stress, anxiety, depression

In September 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand, was hit by a 7.1 earthquake. Researchers at the University of Canterbury, Ohio State University, and the West Coast District Health Board (in Greymouth, New Zealand) wanted to study the effects such an event had on the anxiety, fear, and depression levels of earthquake survivors.



Nutrition, Metabolism, and Autism

Last year, researchers at Arizona State University published a study in Nutrition & Metabolism, examining the relationship between the nutritional and metabolic status of children with autism and the severity of their conditions. The researchers compared their findings with a group of healthy children of similar age and gender.

The study illustrated that children with autism have many abnormalities in their nutritional and metabolic status:

[V]ariations in the severity of autism are strongly associated with the nutritional and metabolic biomarkers investigated in this study.



17 research articles published on EMPowerplus

Did you know Truehope’s flagship product, EMPowerplus—a micronutrient formula of  36 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids designed to improve mental well-being—has been studied by 30 independent researchers at 13 universities worldwide?

This makes EMPowerplus the most researched micronutrient formula in the world.

Truehope EMPowerplus Bottle Since 1996, scientists and doctors in clinical practice have studied the effects of EMPowerplus on mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, ADHD, stress, and anxiety. Some research has even studied its effects on people with autism. Results have been very encouraging and significant.



Can EMPowerplus help adults with ADHD?

In December 2011, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicinepublished the results of an open-label pilot study conducted by University of Canterbury’s Julia Rucklidge.

Dr. Rucklidge and her colleagues tested 14 adults with ADHD on memory (using the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning) and executive functioning (using the Delis–Kaplan Executive Functioning System and Conners Continuous Performance Test). They tested them at the start of the eight-week trial and tested them at the end of the trial, during which time they had consumed EMPowerplus.

