Stabilizing your brain chemistry

Psychiatric drugs work by counteracting the symptoms of mental disorders. But EMPowerplus works by allowing the brain itself to fix the cause of the symptoms.

For example, drugs can apply the brakes when your mind is racing out of control. But it’s like having your feet on the brakes and the accelerator at the same time, which is not so great for the car.



Truehope founder to speak about the development of EMPowerplus

Looking for Letters from Generation RX: a documentary?

Truehope founder Anthony Stephan will join radio host Leslie Carol Botha to discuss the development of Truehope EMPowerplus.

Micronutrient therapy is paving the way for a new understanding of mental illness. The number of people successfully using micronutrients for bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, addictions, autism, and Parkinson’s increases daily.

Is it possible that Anthony’s quest to save his children from bipolar is going to change the way we view mental illness?



Listen to researcher speak about mental illness and nutrition

As we mentioned in an earlier post, we have sponsored a streaming radio show called Holy Hormones Honey! One of the first guests was EMPowerplus researcher, Dr. Bonnie J. Kaplan.

Kaplan is a professor in the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Medicine. Originally from Ohio, she completed all her training in the U.S. in experimental and physiological psychology. Her interest in the biological basis of behaviour led to postdoctoral training and faculty research in neurophysiology at the West Haven (CT) VA Hospital Neuropsychology Laboratory,



Understanding your medication

Many people who come to Truehope as participants already take medication to treat a mood disorder.

Research studies on EMPowerplus indicate that some of these medications may need to be reduced and/or eliminated for EMPowerplus to work effectively, but this transition can be tricky to manage.



Possible limiting factors and the Truehope program

A possible limiting factor is something that may have a negative impact on the overall effectiveness of EMPowerplus.

For example, someone who has persistent diarrhea cannot properly absorb the nutrients in EMPowerplus through the intestines before they are flushed out. In such a case, steps would need to be taken to control the diarrhea and a temporary increased dose of EMPowerplus would be required to maintain wellness.


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EMPowerplus and olive leaf extract to treat ADHD and depression

A New Zealand researcher recently published a case study in the Advances in Mind-Body Medicine journal regarding the effect EMPowerplus and olive leaf extract have together on ADHD and depression.

A 24-year-old woman participated in a 2010 study that measured the effect of EMPowerplus on people with ADHD following an earthquake in New Zealand. After 8 weeks on EMPowerplus, the woman “was no longer depressed, and her ADHD scores had fallen to within the normal-average range.” She maintained these results for the 4-month follow-up period,



The effect of EMPowerplus on cannabis and nicotine abuse

New Zealand researchers recently published a case study paper in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs regarding the effect of EMPowerplus on cannabis and nicotine abuse.

The case study involved a 20-year-old man who met DSM-IV criteria for ADHD combined type, major depressive disorder, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and substance abuse. Brian used cigarettes and cannabis daily and had been on medications for his psychiatric symptoms (including methylphenidate, imipramine, fluoxetine, clonidine, amitriptyline, lorazepam, and clonazepam).



The effect of tobacco use on EMPowerplus

Truehope participants often ask us how the use of tobacco could affect how EMPowerplus works in the body.

Tobacco is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, and its effects on the health of the mind and body are similar to that of other stimulants that we advise against using.

Any substance that stimulates the CNS will have a negative impact on CNS function and EMPowerplus effectiveness to some degree or another. Stimulants affect the operation of the CNS system by disrupting the bio-chemical state of the individual.



Bowel issues and EMPowerplus

Digestive problems and bowel issues can be a source of concern and frustration for Truehope participants. If it’s not cramping and diarrhea, it’s cramping and constipation.

What causes these conditions? There are many factors, including diet, genetics, over-use of laxatives or diarrhea medication, or simply the use of many different types of prescription medications.

Whatever the cause, here are some suggestions to help you cope:



Do alcohol and EMPowerplus mix?

The short answer is no.

Alcohol interferes with the central nervous system operation in a powerful way. Many researchers have studied alcohol and its use and how they affect CNS disorders.

Consider the following excerpts from several research studies:

