FEAST, FORGIVE, REFOCUS Strategize a Guilt-Free Holiday Season

‘Twas the day after Thanksgiving, when all through my body, not a nutrient or vitamin sat, 
not even a natural sugar or nutritious healthy fat.
The sweats were pulled from the drawer with haste, 
with prayers that my newly ill-fitting buttoned pants represented a temporary mistake. 
The pies were foiled and put in the fridge, 
plotting their sugary attack with their perfectly formed pastry ridge.
And hubby in his recliner, and I on my chaise lounge, 
began to mentally wrestle with the amount of food consumed for which none we had to scrounge.
When from my body there arose an uncomfortable feeling, 
I bolted down the hallway with a sensation that left me reeling. 
Away to the bathroom I ran without care, 
turned on the hot shower and of my poor Thanksgiving choices I became more aware. 
The face in the mirror, surrounded by steam, 
made it clear that my indulgent food choices and lack of water weren’t a great team, 
When what to my surprise should come into a view, 
but a dancing line of nutrients and vitamins that represented a vivid daydream, this much I knew. 



Slip on Your Holiday Armor: Combatting Post-Holiday Depression is a Battle You Can Win

Like a deflated balloon dragging behind a child, many meet the post-holiday months feeling lifeless and without the sense of purpose, they had just days before.

October through December homes fill with a bustle of activity. Decorating. Shopping. Baking. Cooking. Wrapping. Party-planning. Gift-giving. Visiting. Hosting. School and work events. Social calendars make even the most introverted look like social butterflies with bullhorns. These social calendars give us moments that lift us up and moments that reminded us why family isn’t always defined by the branches on a family tree.



Thanksgiving and Theaters and Pepe Le Pew, Oh My!


There’s no other way to explain the rewiring of our thoughts and beliefs simply because one toe crosses the threshold of a movie theater. Our understanding of the intense benefits of proper nutrition (clear skin, shiny hair, high energy, great sleep, etc.) is no match for our conditioned response to the cinema on the big screen. And this response, for many, will be challenged within weeks from reading this piece. 

“Thanksgiving is the five biggest days of the year as far as the box office is concerned,” according to a former president of worldwide theatrical advertising and publicity for Warner Brothers,



What you should eat this Thanksgiving for your mental health

Canadian Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Besides being the perfect time to meditate on the things we’re thankful for, it’s a time to get together with friends and family. And where there are friends and family, there’s bound to be lots of food.

As we’ve discussed in the past, there’s a strong connection between nutrition and mental health. So, when you’re filling up on plates of great food, do your best to eat foods that improve your mental health and reduce symptoms of mental illness.



12 foods to eat this Thanksgiving for your mental health

Canadian Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Besides being the perfect time to meditate on the things we’re thankful for, it’s a time to get together with friends and family. And where there are friends and family, there’s bound to be lots of food.

As we’ve discussed in the past, there’s a strong connection between nutrition and mental health. So, when you’re filling up on plates of great food, do your best to eat foods that improve your mental health and reduce symptoms of mental illness.


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This Thanksgiving, eat right for your mental health

Canadian Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Besides being the perfect time to meditate on the things we’re thankful for, it’s a time to get together with friends and family. And where there are friends and family, there’s bound to be lots of food.

As we’ve discussed in the past, there’s a strong connection between nutrition and mental health. So, when you’re filling up on plates of great food, do your best to eat foods that improve your mental health and reduce symptoms of mental illness.



8 ways to be mentally healthy this Christmas

The St. Patrick’s University Hospital in Dublin, Ireland, recently compiled a list of 8 things you should do to take care of your mental health over the holidays.

  1. Decide which Christmas activities and traditions are most significant to you.
  2. Make a Christmas budget and stick with it.
  3. Eat right and get enough sleep and exercise.
  4. Recognize signs of stress and use relaxation techniques when you begin to get irritated or upset.
  5. Have realistic expectations of family and friends.



Truehope closed Monday

Truehope offices will be closed Monday, November 12, 2012 because of Rememberance Day the day before. We will open for regular operating hours the next day at 8:00.



10 things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving

Last fall, Psychology Today posted an article outlining 10 things to be thankful for. Given that today is Thanksgiving, we thought we should reproduce that list for you here. So while you are digesting your turkey and fixings, alone or with family, keep these things in mind to give you perspective.

