Nascent Iodine Advanced combines tradition & tech

Iodine is an element essential for healthy thyroid hormone production and efficient metabolism. Sufficient levels of iodine increase cell absorption of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, conventional iodine products lack the potency the body requires.

That’s why we created Nascent Iodine Advanced.



Yet another reason to not drink soft drinks.

In 2017, researchers in China recruited over 8,000 university students in a study exploring links between soft drink consumption and mental health. They published the results of that study earlier this month in the peer-reviewed journal Public Health Nutrition.



Eating this food may increase your Alzheimers risk

In March 2019, researchers in China published a study in The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, showing a connection between diet and cognitive function.



Why Truehope Inositol could help you relax

Do you find yourself lying in bed, unable to sleep? Do you suffer from physical restlessness, tossing and turning all night? Do you have restless leg?

Truehope Inositol may help you sleep better at night.


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This diet may improve depression, anxiety & stress

In April 2019, researchers in Iran published a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showing a connection between diet and mental health.



Nutrient-dense, plant-rich diet may improve depression

In April 2019, researchers from the United States published a study in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, showing a connection between diet and depression.



Vegetarians may have lower depression odds

In April 2019, the peer-reviewed journal Ethnicity & Health published a study by 4 American researchers, who had found a connection between depression and vegetarianism.



Inflammatory diet tied to depression in young women

In April 2019, researchers in Turkey published a study in Ecology of Food and Nutrition, showing a connecting between diet and depression in young women.



How probiotics are connected to mental health

Our society has developed into an antibiotic culture so intent on destroying bacteria — we often expect a prescription to cure even a minor infection — that in the process of destroying harmful bacteria, we’ve also eradicated much of the beneficial bacteria in our bodies.

