Truehope founder to speak about the development of EMPowerplus

Looking for Letters from Generation RX: a documentary?

Truehope founder Anthony Stephan will join radio host Leslie Carol Botha to discuss the development of Truehope EMPowerplus.

Micronutrient therapy is paving the way for a new understanding of mental illness. The number of people successfully using micronutrients for bipolar, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, addictions, autism, and Parkinson’s increases daily.

Is it possible that Anthony’s quest to save his children from bipolar is going to change the way we view mental illness? Is it possible that the rapid changes in our food sources may be linked to the increase in mood disorders?

Jon Anthony and Leslie as they discuss Truehope EMPowerplus and the implications it has on the future of mental health treatment.

The radio show airs today at 9:00 Pacific / 11:00 Central. Visit Holy Hormones Honey to listen live or come back again to listen to the archive.



Understanding your medication

Many people who come to Truehope as participants already take medication to treat a mood disorder.

Research studies on EMPowerplus indicate that some of these medications may need to be reduced and/or eliminated for EMPowerplus to work effectively, but this transition can be tricky to manage.



Possible limiting factors and the Truehope program

A possible limiting factor is something that may have a negative impact on the overall effectiveness of EMPowerplus.

For example, someone who has persistent diarrhea cannot properly absorb the nutrients in EMPowerplus through the intestines before they are flushed out. In such a case, steps would need to be taken to control the diarrhea and a temporary increased dose of EMPowerplus would be required to maintain wellness.



The effect of EMPowerplus on cannabis and nicotine abuse

New Zealand researchers recently published a case study paper in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs regarding the effect of EMPowerplus on cannabis and nicotine abuse.

The case study involved a 20-year-old man who met DSM-IV criteria for ADHD combined type, major depressive disorder, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and substance abuse. Brian used cigarettes and cannabis daily and had been on medications for his psychiatric symptoms (including methylphenidate, imipramine, fluoxetine, clonidine, amitriptyline, lorazepam, and clonazepam).



Health care in Canada: What makes us sick?

Last month, the Canadian Medical Association released a comprehensive report on Canadian public health: Health care in Canada: What makes us sick?

The CMA spent months consulting with Canadians throughout the country in public town hall meetings—and through online consultation—asking them four questions:


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CBT treatment may be more cost-effective than SSRI treatment

Several Dutch researchers recently published an article in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica comparing the cost-effectiveness of different treatment options for panic disorder.

The researchers split 150 participants into 3 groups: those treated with cognitive behavioural therapy, those treated with one of 5 selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline, citalopram, and fluvoxamine), and those using a combination of CBT therapy and SSRIs.



Why treating mental illness with a single nutrient is problematic

Earlier this year, Canadian researcher Bonnie Kaplan and New Zealand researcher Julia Rucklidge wrote an article for Mad in America about the search for magic bullets in treating mental illness.



Dietary change may be more effective than pharmaceuticals to address mental health issues

The Institute of Food Technologists held their annual meeting earlier this week, and one of the sessions was “Diet, Mental Energy, and Mental Well-Being: A Landscape Overview of the Science and Consumer Perceptions.” Panel speakers suggested that a change in dietary patterns may be more effective than pharmaceuticals to address mental health issues.

University of Calgary researcher Bonnie Kaplan was one of the panelists, and she claimed that the greatest cause of acquired insanity is poor nutrition. She also reports that as psychiatric medications grew in popularity over the last 6 decades,



Reduction of antipsychotics produces higher long-term recovery

The advocacy website Mad in America recently published a post about a Jama Psychiatry study that reported a breakthrough finding.

The article discovered that subjects in the study saw a doubled recovery rate if their antipsychotic treatment was reduced or discontinued compared to those who maintained their antipsychotic treatment.



10 free ways to deal with depression

Health Magazine recently published an article outlining 10 ways to deal with depression that won’t cost you anything.

“With the economy stuck in neutral, people have more reasons to be depressed—and less money to treat their depression—than in the past.”

