Category: Research
8 foods that may reduce depression risk (and 7 that don’t)
Last summer, Chinese researchers published a study in Psychiatry Research, showing a connection between depression risk and what we eat.
Last summer, Chinese researchers published a study in Psychiatry Research, showing a connection between depression risk and what we eat.
Researchers recently published an article in International Journal of Science and Research that recommended these 5 natural ways for dealing with sleep disorders.
Researchers in Iran and Canada recently published a study in the European Journal of Nutrition, showing a connection between mental health and consumption of fruits and vegetables.
Korean researchers recently published an article in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showing a connection between depression and consumption of coffee, tea, and soft drinks.
A few months ago, Korean and Vietnamese researchers published a study in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, showing a connection between diet and mental health in teens.
Researchers in Singapore recently published a study in The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease, showing a connection between long-term tea consumption and depression and anxiety symptoms.
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A large body of research has emerged over the years that shows a healthy diet is connected with positive mental health, and a significant portion of that research also shows the opposite (poor diet is connected to poor mental health).
Although we advocate a holistic nutritional approach to mental health (a variety of fresh, nutritious foods), one food source keeps popping up in the research: fish.
Here are 4 recent research studies showing that eating fish may improve our mental health.
British researchers recently published a study in The Lancet Psychiatry, showing a connection between insomnia and mental health.
Korean researchers recently published a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showing a connection between fish consumption and lower depression odds.
For over 20 years, Truehope has maintained that nutrition plays a key role in mental health. During those two decades, research has been increasing that confirms this.
Some recent research has shown that the Mediterranean diet may play a role in the mental health of aging adults. Citing multiple studies, Irish researchers reported in a recent paper in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society that “the Mediterranean diet is receiving significant attention as regards its role in preserving cognitive health and protecting against depression in ageing.”
Indian researchers recently published a study in the Journal of Psychology, where they showed a connection between diet and ADHD symptoms.