4 questions comparing EMPowerplus to psychiatric drugs

People who are new to Truehope and EMPowerplus often ask questions that compare EMPowerplus to conventional psychiatric drugs. This is natural. After all, many people with mood disorders have plenty of experience with medication.

Here are 4 questions we are often asked related to EMPowerplus and psychiatric drugs:



3 things you should know before transitioning to EMPowerplus

Many of the people who become Truehope participants are tired of their medications and the side effects they bring. They are anxious to replace their medications with Truehope EMPowerplus.

Here are 3 things you should know before transitioning to EMPowerplus from medication:



How do I know which Truehope products are for me?

Truehope offers 7 products. For some people, it can be difficult to know which products they should take.

Every support program we offer includes our flagship product, EMPowerplus. This all-natural collection of 36 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants lay the micronutrient foundation your body needs to obtain optimal mental and physical health. This helps the other products work effectively.



5 questions people frequently ask us about EMPowerplus

It’s been nearly 20 years since we started producing what is now EMPowerplus and supporting those who participate in our programs. In that time, we have heard a tonne of questions.

Here are 5 of the most frequently asked questions regarding taking EMPowerplus.



6 products that could change your life

Truehope Nutritional Support has been operating for nearly 20 years. During that time, we’ve found that while our EMPowerplus formula has made a difference in the lives of tens of thousands of people, other supporting products have been able to improve the effect that Empowerplus has on physical and mental well-being.

Here are the 6 products Truehope provides to support physical and mental well-being:


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First double blind, placebo study published on Truehope EMPowerplus

You asked for it, and here it is: the first double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled trial to be published on Truehope EMpowerplus.

New Zealand researchers published today an article in the British Journal of Psychiatry a paper that outlines their investigation into the efficacy and safety of EMPowerplus in the treatment of ADHD in adults.



The 12-step process Truehope uses to produce quality products

Did you know that the facility that manufactures EMPowerplus meets rigorous processing standards?

Our processing facility is registered with the FDA, and the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services regular inspect it.



Can I take EMPowerplus if I have food allergies?

The short answer: yes.

EMPowerplus is free from the most common allergens. For example, we use no wheat, corn, or dairy as sources for our ingredients. As well, the EMPowerplus capsules are also free from sugar, soy, nuts, eggs, peanuts, and sulphites.



5 critical steps to take when transitioning to EMPowerplus

The benefit of using EMPowerplus is that it improves brain function and overall mental health by ensuring proper nutrition reaches your central nervous system.

Because EMPowerplus ultimately affects how neurotransmitters interact in your brain (similar to the effect of medication), introducing EMPowerplus into your system without reducing your medication can have the same effect as being over-medicated. Psychiatric medications should be gradually tapered off under the supervision of a doctor and the Truehope support team when using EMPowerplus.

Here are 5 key things to remember while transitioning to EMPowerplus:

