How micronization makes EMPowerplus so effective

Our flagship product, EMPowerplus, is a combination of 36 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids that support physical and mental well-being. Over 25 clinical studies have researched its effectiveness in helping various mood disorders.

One of the reasons EMPowerplus has helped over 100,000 people throughout the world is the micronization process it goes through.



Why is EMPowerplus so effective?

To understand what makes EMPowerplus so effective for bipolar, depression, and other mood disorders, we must recognize the relationship between micronutrient deficiencies and the incidence of mental illness.

Could micronutrient deficiencies be affecting your mental health?

Despite efforts to eat a balanced diet with healthier food choices, most Americans—according to this USDA graph—don’t meet the recommended daily allowance for many essential micronutrients. This may be one reason why the incidence of mental illness and mood disorders, such as bipolar, continue to rise at an alarming rate.



Answers to your 8 most popular EMPowerplus questions

Given that we have been producing our EMPowerplus formula for nearly 20 years, we’ve received a lot of questions about it and how it works. Here are 8 of the most popular questions we’ve received over the years.



Why take 100 vitamins when you can take 1?

The following account of Dr. Charles Popper’s initial experience with EMPowerplus is taken from testimony he gave as an expert witness in Truehope’s 2006 court victory over Health Canada. He testified that up to that time, he had assisted 100–150 of his own patients and consulted with other doctors on 300–500 more patients in the use of EMPowerplus.

Dr. Popper had been working with a young patient who had bipolar. Because of extenuating circumstances, he had reluctantly put the child on EMPowerplus,



Oh, my capsules smell funny!

Anthony Stephan, Truehope founder and CEO, recently came across a vehicle that had a bottle of EMPoweplus sitting at its windshield.


With the weather in the northern hemisphere warming, we want to remind Truehope participants to store our products in a cool, dry place. This will help them last longer and preserve their efficacy.

If you have any questions about storage and transportation of our products, contact us at or 888.TRUEHOPE.


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This psychiatrist didn’t believe 3 claims made by Truehope

Dr. Charles W. Popper, MD, a psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist with Harvard Medical School, once testified in a court trial when Health Canada took Truehope Nutritional Support to court to force them to stop selling and distributing EMPowerplus to Canadians.

During part of his testimony, Dr. Popper outlines 3 claims Truehope made when they first contacted him, which made him quite skeptical of the company and its products.



Why BMD Advanced is a great bone mineral developer

Are you looking for a bone mineral developer that reduces osteoporosis risk?

Truehope BMD Advanced is a precise, balanced, and highly-absorbable combination of vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, and selenium. These vitamins and minerals help the body heal wounds, produce and repair connective tissue, form red blood cells, develop and maintain bone density, maintain healthy cartilage, teeth, and gums, and improve muscle and immune system function.

BMD Advanced is vitamin K free, making it safe for those taking blood thinning medications.



2 new features to make ordering easier

When we announced that we were moving to new ecommerce software, we promised that we’d introduce features that would make your ordering more convenient. Last week, we launched the new software, and so far everything’s working well.

Here are a couple of the new features we’ve introduced for your benefit.



Announcing Promo Fridays!

We at Truehope are excited to announce the launch our new promotion program: Promo Fridays.

Starting next week, each issue of our biweekly electronic newsletter, Common Ground Online, will contain a promo coupon that you can use the following day.



Why Truehope Inositol is perfect for relaxation

Part of the vitamin B-complex, Truehope Inositol plays an important role as the structural basis for secondary messengers in eukaryotic cells. It’s necessary for the proper function of nerves, brain, and muscles. Inositol works in conjunction with folacin, vitamins B6 and B12, choline, betaine, and methionine to promote proper cell function and growth.

Inositol is found in nuts, beans, and fruit—especially cantaloupe, melons, and oranges—and cereals with high bran content. Doses of 12–18 grams per day have been shown to be effective in double-blind trials as an intervention for depression,

