Category: Mental health
Micronutrients: The Caped Crusader Your Body Needs
Micronutrients “…are the ‘magic wands’ that enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances essential for proper growth and development. As tiny as the amounts are, however, the consequences of their absence are severe.” This excerpt from the James Haskell Health & Fitness portal sums up the importance of micronutrients. As the common phrase goes, good things come in small packages.
Unfortunately, “… almost 75 percent of people living in Western civilizations do not consume enough micronutrients each day to maintain their maximum health.” Spoiler alert: The rate is lower in the U.S. due to American’s collective love of convenient and cheap food.
Micronutrients, Mental Health, & the Rainbow
Research on the power, potential, and effectiveness of micronutrient treatment for chronic illness, such as bipolar disorder, pops up on the health arena landscape daily. Dr. Carol Banyas, physician, therapist, and teacher, says she’s witnessed the power of micronutrient treatment first-hand. “When you get people who have [a] chronic illness, like chronic bipolar, that have gone from just surviving day-to-day and wondering when they’re going to cycle down next to realizing that they can actually move out of their house… get a job…” because of micronutrient treatment,