Do I have general anxiety disorder?

People face anxiety-causing situations regularly. Expectations at school, work, or home, as well as in relationships can be particularly troubling.

It’s different with anxiety disorders. You’re not just nervous. Your feelings remain. In fact, the anxiety can get worse and can negatively affect your overall health.

But when you have general anxiety disorder, you’re really worried about issues even when you have little or no reason to worry. In fact, you feel anxiety most of the time, believing projects or tasks will fail. Sometimes, these worries can even prevent you from just initiating tasks and interfere with daily activities.



10 tips for dealing with stress

Stress is our body’s way of dealing with thing it sees as threats. It’s how we prepare to run away from or confront danger. Unfortunately, many things that trigger stress in our lives today aren’t things that we can fight or flee.

If stress continues, it can become chronic and can lead to other problems, including anxiety, depression, and even physical ailments.

You can take some practical steps to prevent, combat, and cope with stress, as well as maintain physical and mental health.



Mental fatigue: what is it and how do I manage it?

We all feel tired at some time during the day. Then at night, you go to sleep, then arise after a good night’s sleep.

But some feel tired for weeks. If that’s the case, mental fatigue—or a lack of energy and motivation—may be the culprit. Mental fatigue can also cause temporary lapse in cognitive performance.



On Giving Tuesday, donate to a mental health charity

Did you know that one of the reasons it’s difficult to perform research on products like Truehope’s EMPowerplus is that because granting agencies across the board don’t fund multinutrient research?



What to eat (and not eat) when stressed

Earlier this month, an Indian researcher published an article in the International Education and Research Journal discussing the connection between eating and stress.

In the article, the researcher outlines 6 eating practices we should avoid when we’re stressed and 8 eating practices we should adopt.


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9 nutrients to help with depression

A few years ago, Indian researchers at JSS Medical College and Central Food Technological Research Institute published an article in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry outlining the connection between nutrition and depression.

The researchers highlighted that while the general public accept the connection between nutrition and physical health, ignorance still abounds when connecting nutrition and mental health.

However, nutrition plays a key role in the onset, severity, and duration of depression. In fact, as the researchers wrote,



3 reasons health professionals use EMPowerplus

More doctors and health professionals than ever before are prescribing EMPowerplus Advanced—Truehope Nutritional Support’s specialized micronutrient treatment—in their clinical practice as a treatment option for bipolar disorder, depression, ADD, ADHD, and other mental disorders, as well as for general health.

Here are 3 reasons why these health professionals use EMPowerplus in their medical practice:



Do you know what your Stress Score is?

Did you know that we have an interactive stress test on our website? The test is 11 quick questions, and once you complete it, you’ll receive a Stress Score somewhere between 0 and 100. The higher your Stress Score, the more stress you have.

Stress level

Mildly stressed

Moderately stressed

Highly stressed

Acutely stressed

The Stress Score test also provides recommendations for reducing stress. For example, Truehope Inositol reduces your score by 10 points and Truehope EMPowerplus Advanced shaves 25 points off.



Why take a broad-spectrum amino acid blend?

Amino acids are the building blocks of our body; more specifically, they build our neurotransmitters, messengers of that communicate neurologic information from one cell to another.

Let’s take the neurotransmitter serotonin. During the day, serotonin is your feel good “happy” molecule. At night, it turns into melatonin so you can experience a deep and restful sleep. To produce serotonin, you need sufficient levels of L-tryptophan.  Serotonin is a calming neurotransmitter and can act as antidepressant to reduce depression.

Dopamine is another neurotransmitter,



Feeling tired? Wake up with all-natural EMPowerplus!

Vitamins and minerals are important co-factors supporting energy metabolism and well-being. They are part of the micronutrient family (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids), which plays a role in virtually every biological, chemical, and physiological process in our bodies.

Mitochondria exist in every cell of our body and are often referred to as the “powerhouse” of the cell. They generate energy in the form of a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Here are some examples of how vitamins and minerals function in energy metabolism:

  • Riboflavin (B2) as a cofactor in the mitochondrial respiratory chain helps release energy from foods.

