Category: Mental health
How to deal with stress: 10 important tips
What is stress?
It’s perfectly natural to feel stressed now and then; it’s our body’s way of dealing with things it sees as threats. It’s how we prepare to run away from or confront danger. Unfortunately, many things that trigger stress in our lives today aren’t things that we can fight or flee.
Why is stress a problem?
Stress isn’t a problem, per se, but if stress continues, it can become chronic and can lead to other problems, including anxiety, depression, and even physical ailments.
What does stress look like?
Different people may feel stress in different ways. Some may have trouble with digestion, sleep, depression, anger, or headaches. Others may notice an increase in frequency and severity of viral infections, like flu or colds.
How can I deal with stress?
How people cope with stress varies. That’s why it’s important to know your limits when you’re stressed out. This may help you from contracting serious health effects.
You can take some practical steps to prevent, combat, and cope with stress, as well as maintain physical and mental health. Here are 10 top tips to deal with everyday stress: