Caden’s success story: bipolar, ADHD, OCD, ODD

Nikki’s son Caden was diagnosed when he was 4 years old with bipolar, ADHD, OCD, and ODD. For the first 3 years, doctors prescribed him over 30 medications to manage the disorders, but nothing worked. Since switching to EMPowerplus in 2006, Caden’s life (and his family’s) has changed forever. Gone from his life are the rages, defiance behaviour, mood swings, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity and bizarre behaviour.

Read Caden’s success story in the words of his mother, Nikki:



Meredith’s success story: bipolar

Meredith was diagnosed with bipolar when she was 19, and she was put on a cocktail of medication immediately. She stopped taking her medication as soon as she became pregnant, but after her daughter was born and she stopped nursing, she became unstable and started on the medication again. The numbness the medication implemented inspired another way, and she eventually found EMPowerplus, which changed here life.

The best gift that I could give my child was a future with a healthy mom. I’m the mother of two beautiful girls: Kya who is almost three and Kathryn (Kate) who is three and a half months.



Joann’s success story: bipolar

Joann has lived with bipolar her entire life, although she wasn’t diagnosed until she was in her 30s. She tried medication after medication, but could never find the right treatment that could control her episodes without making her gain weight or erasing her personality.

One day, she came across the Truehope documentary on the Discovery Channel. Although she was skeptical at first, the doctor testimonials prompted her to give it a try. She didn’t notice a change overnight, but she did notice some improvement right away,



5 people with bipolar speak out about their success with Truehope

Having been in business for nearly 20 years, we’ve helped tens of thousands of people find happiness, hope, and healing.

The first Truehope participants had bipolar disorder, so it isn’t that surprising that we have so many success stories from others who have bipolar.

Here are just 5 stories from participants with bipolar. Read how EMPowerplus changed their lives, and see if any of it sounds familiar to you.



Monica’s success story: bipolar

A few years ago, The Vancouver Sun featured a large article about EMPowerplus. The article includes details of how EMPowerplus rescued a new mother from bipolar disorder.

Monica Carsience shot into a manic high soon after she gave birth to her first daughter, Rebecca. She did everything (the laundry, clean, organize, knit, sew), except sleep, for 10 straight days. A year later, Monica let her Prozac run out and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and type two bipolar disorder. SSRIs and lithium followed.


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Jennifer’s story: bipolar

Jennifer had bipolar disorder for decades before she had heard about Truehope. She had been admitted to the psychiatric ward of her local hospital several times and had also lost her 2 youngest children temporarily because of how intensely the disorder affected her. Things got to the point where the side effects of the medications were more disruptive than the bipolar itself.

When she had first heard of Truehope, she was skeptical and thought that it was probably snake oil. One day, however,



Study shows EMPowerplus can lower bipolar depression and mania levels

Last month, researchers at Ohio State University published a study in the Journal of Alternative Complimentary Medicine on the effect of EMPowerplus on people with Child-Onset Bipolar Spectrum Disorder. The results of the study are encouraging.

Researchers tracked the depression and mania levels of 7 child participants using the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present Episode-Depression Rating Scale and the Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children-Present Episode-Mania Rating Scale, respectively.

