How a Harvard psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist changed his mind about EMPowerplus

The following account of Dr. Charles Popper’s initial experience with EMPowerplus is taken from testimony he gave as an expert witness in Truehope’s 2006 court victory over Health Canada. He testified that up to that time, he had assisted 100–150 of his own patients and consulted with other doctors on 300–500 more patients in the use of EMPowerplus.

Dr. Popper has been using EMPowerplus in his private practice since 2000, and he published a commentary on EMPowerplus in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in 2001.

How did you first get involved or introduced to this supplement?

Somewhat reluctantly actually. I have for my entire career been very much the sort of mainstream child and adolescent psychopharmacology psychiatrist/physician who paid, frankly, next to no attention to nutritional factors, either in my professional life or in my personal life.



Can bipolar be treated with nutrition and exercise?

Last year, American researchers conducted a small pilot study to explore the feasibility of a bipolar treatment programme that focused on nutrition, exercise, and wellness.



5 critical steps to take when transitioning to EMPowerplus

The benefit of using EMPowerplus is that it improves brain function and overall mental health by ensuring proper nutrition reaches your central nervous system.

Because EMPowerplus ultimately affects how neurotransmitters interact in your brain (similar to the effect of medication), introducing EMPowerplus into your system without reducing your medication can have the same effect as being over-medicated. Psychiatric medications should be gradually tapered off under the supervision of a doctor and the Truehope support team when using EMPowerplus.

Here are 5 key things to remember while transitioning to EMPowerplus:



Resources for your doctor

Truehope works directly with hundreds of psychiatrists and other doctors who are learning about the nutritional approach to mental wellness and offering it to their patients. Here are a few of the resources you can point your doctor to:

The Truehope Healthcare Professional Guide

This guide is an in-depth introduction of EMPowerplus, written by doctors for doctors. It includes an extensive question-answer section that addresses many of the questions  doctors ask when learning about EMPowerplus for the first time.

Be sure to ask your doctor(s) if they are aware of the Truehope Healthcare Professional Guide.



Key to Your Success: Symptom Evaluation Forms

When we explain the Truehope program to new participants and verify their personal information, we also confirm the proper diagnosis. By doing this, the right Symptom Evaluation Form (SEF) is immediately attached to each participant’s file.

Individuals who use this helpful tool and consistently fill out these symptom forms are those who generally see the greatest success with the Truehope program.


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Stabilizing your brain chemistry

Psychiatric drugs work by counteracting the symptoms of mental disorders. But EMPowerplus works by allowing the brain itself to fix the cause of the symptoms.

For example, drugs can apply the brakes when your mind is racing out of control. But it’s like having your feet on the brakes and the accelerator at the same time, which is not so great for the car.



Smoothing the transition from medication to EMPowerplus

Imagine that your mood is one end of a seesaw (or teeter-totter). Brain chemistry is like the person on the other end: it controls mood. The wrong brain chemistry can send your mood up or down violently, and it can be scary and hurt.



Through the Looking Glass: Mental Wellness and Micronutrients

Truehope founder and CEO Anthony Stephan will again join Leslie Carol Botha, host of the Holy Hormones Honey! radio program on the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel. The show will air on Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.



6 ways to improve sleep and why you should

Our bodies need rest. While researchers have proposed multiple theories over the years to the actual purpose of sleep, it’s clear that our bodies need it to be healthy.



Seasonal affective disorder: what it is and what to do

The September equinox took place yesterday. In the northern hemisphere, this marks the first day of autumn. It also marks the day when the amount of daylight and the amount of darkness are equal. This means that starting today, there will be increasingly more darkness than daylight.

While many people are negatively affected by the reduction in daylight—making them feel gloomy—as much as 3% of the population has seasonal affective disorder.

