Category: Treatment
How a Harvard psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist changed his mind about EMPowerplus
The following account of Dr. Charles Popper’s initial experience with EMPowerplus is taken from testimony he gave as an expert witness in Truehope’s 2006 court victory over Health Canada. He testified that up to that time, he had assisted 100–150 of his own patients and consulted with other doctors on 300–500 more patients in the use of EMPowerplus.
Dr. Popper has been using EMPowerplus in his private practice since 2000, and he published a commentary on EMPowerplus in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in 2001.
How did you first get involved or introduced to this supplement?
Somewhat reluctantly actually. I have for my entire career been very much the sort of mainstream child and adolescent psychopharmacology psychiatrist/physician who paid, frankly, next to no attention to nutritional factors, either in my professional life or in my personal life.