6 things a mental health researcher teaches us about nutritional psychiatry

Last month, Canadian mental health researcher Bonnie Kaplan was interviewed for the Economic Times about the emerging field of nutritional psychiatry.

Nutritional psychiatry involves the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders using nutrients. Here are 6 things we learn about nutritional psychiatry from the interview.



Mental health and nutrition: is it finally mainstream?

Mental health researchers Bonnie Kaplan and Julia Rucklidge, who specialize in studying the connection between nutrition and mental health, recently wrote an article asking if we are finally at the tipping point—when an idea starts to become contagious—for nutrition and mental health.

Their writing comes on the heels of 4 recent articles exploring nutrition and mental health:



Supplements offer alternative depression treatment

An American researcher recently published a paper in Clinical Psychological Science in which she reviews 200 published papers that studied the effectiveness of 5 nutritional supplements on treating depression.

The supplements studied in the papers included omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B complex (vitamins B12, B6, and folate), S-adenoxylmethionine (SAMe), 5-hyrdoxytryptophan (5-HTP), and magnesium.

What she discovered was that omega 3 and B vitamin supplements seem to offer the best chances as nutritional therapies for depression.



Why we offer free support with EMPowerplus

Having supported people in the Truehope program for nearly 20 years has offered us a lot of insight. Switching to micronutrients from medication (or taking them in conjunction with each other) can be intimidating.

You don’t have to try it alone. Over 85% of clients who have used our one-on-one phone support reduced or avoided withdrawal symptoms, side effects, and uncomfortable adverse drug reactions when beginning the EMPowerplus Advanced program.



How vitamins and minerals can reduce your stress levels

EMPowerplus was first formulated nearly 20 years ago to naturally treat people experiencing stress caused by depression or other mood disorders. Since then, we have sold over 1 million bottles for use in treating non-clinical symptoms like stress caused by depression or other mood disorders.

Stress manifests itself in different ways, including sleeplessness, pain, headaches, and weight gain, and it may be accompanied by anxiety, racing thoughts, worry, or frustration.

As science gains greater insight into the consequences of stress on the brain,


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Why 100 bottles of vitamins are no match for EMPowerplus

The following account of Dr. Charles Popper’s initial experience with EMPowerplus is taken from testimony he gave as an expert witness in Truehope’s 2006 court victory over Health Canada. He testified that up to that time, he had assisted 100–150 of his own patients and consulted with other doctors on 300–500 more patients in the use of EMPowerplus.

Dr. Popper has been using EMPowerplus in his private practice since 2000, and he published a commentary on EMPowerplus in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry in 2001.



Antidepressants aren’t working, so let’s switch to healthy living

In 2012, Australian researchers published a paper in the Medical Journal Australia, investigating treatment options available for bipolar disorder, including pharmacological options.

Antidepressants lack proof

In their paper, the researchers claimed that medical professionals have a tendency to prescribe antidepressants for bipolar even though there is little evidence that clearly shows they’re effective.

Despite the absence of clear evidence for their effectiveness, antidepressants are widely prescribed for BD and are the most widely used medication class for the depressive phase of the illness.



EMPowerplus helped this man improve his OCD

A little over 5 years ago, New Zealand researchers published an article in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, showing the results of a case study in which EMPowerplus helped a man with obsessive compulsive disorder.

A psychiatrist had diagnosed the man with OCD and Asperger’s disorder when he was 16 years old and estimated that he had had them for 3 years. He lived with high levels of anxiety, fears, obsession, and compulsion.

He started cognitive behavioural therapy,



Nutrient boosting of medications

Two researchers specializing in exploring the connection between nutrition and mental health recently published a column online regarding the the effect that nutrients have on medications.

In their article, Drs. Bonnie Kaplan and Julia Rucklidge point out a 2008 issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter that had evaluated nutrients with the potential to boost the impact of psychiatric medications.

Their response to the article is telling:



Nutrition Above the Neck: Why is This Topic Met With Hostility?

Two researchers specializing in exploring the connection between nutrition and mental health recently published an article on Mad in America comparing nutrition-based therapy in cancer patients with nutrition-based therapy in mental health patients.

