Category: Nutrition
Are you ready for the knock at the door?
Like a scientist peering through a microscope’s ocular lens, she focuses her attention on finding alien cells that threaten to invade and destroy.
Like Wonder Woman deflecting bullets with her metal bracelets, she protects the body from viruses and bacteria.
Like the anticipation we felt as children on Christmas Eve, we only miss her when she’s gone.
Who is she, you ask?
She’s your immune system, and understanding her better and giving her what she needs may be all that stands between you and cold and flu season survival.
Many people know to consume the proper kind and amount of nutrients to battle germs. Many have read articles, like the one in The Washington Post, that report a cough or sneeze can catapult germs as far as 6-8 feet, which is why coughing and sneezing into your shoulder or the inside of your elbow is instinctual for so many. However, sleep’s role in a healthy immune system, specifically restorative sleep, isn’t always highlighted. This is a disservice to the cold and flu season conversation because restorative sleep is a heavy-hitter when it comes to boosting and maintaining a healthy immune system.