FEAST, FORGIVE, REFOCUS Strategize a Guilt-Free Holiday Season

‘Twas the day after Thanksgiving, when all through my body, not a nutrient or vitamin sat, 
not even a natural sugar or nutritious healthy fat.
The sweats were pulled from the drawer with haste, 
with prayers that my newly ill-fitting buttoned pants represented a temporary mistake. 
The pies were foiled and put in the fridge, 
plotting their sugary attack with their perfectly formed pastry ridge.
And hubby in his recliner, and I on my chaise lounge, 
began to mentally wrestle with the amount of food consumed for which none we had to scrounge.
When from my body there arose an uncomfortable feeling, 
I bolted down the hallway with a sensation that left me reeling. 
Away to the bathroom I ran without care, 
turned on the hot shower and of my poor Thanksgiving choices I became more aware. 
The face in the mirror, surrounded by steam, 
made it clear that my indulgent food choices and lack of water weren’t a great team, 
When what to my surprise should come into a view, 
but a dancing line of nutrients and vitamins that represented a vivid daydream, this much I knew. 



It’s What’s On The Outside That Matters

Why do we dirty a bowl with ice cream, outside of hygienic reasons, when we can create fewer dishes by eating directly out of the pint? Why do we pour chips into a plastic sandwich bag when we can take the entire bag to work and eat directly from it? 

Answer: The absence of food tells us when to stop eating, not the quantity.

Only our spoon or fingertips failing to grip remaining morsels of deliciousness make us stop eating. It’s not our stomach or our mind screaming at us to exercise proper portion control that stops our hand from searching for one more bite.



The Difference Between Mood & Food is One Letter

One year ago, September 2018, a mother said, “I know it’s hard, Maddie”, slid a Hershey’s chocolate under her daughter’s bedroom door, and finished with “… but I promise it’s going to get better.” Cue Maddie gently opening her door, holding her mother’s gaze, smiling, and joining her mother for presumably more chocolate.

The Hershey Company is clever. They recognize the intensity of the mood-food connection. Romantic comedies recognize it, too. The leading lady reaches for a spoon and tub of ice cream when her heart aches greatest,



TEMPTATION NATION: The Reason We Ignore Our Logic

We know.

No matter what we say to make ourselves feel better about our dwindling health, we know.

Researchers and health campaigns preach and have for decades, the importance of balanced nutrition and a non-sedentary life. These two things are proven to combat depression, anxiety, suicide, tooth and gum decay, stress, and countless other things we know wreck our world. And yet, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), “worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975”. One of the most heartbreaking realities WHO shares is that children under the age of 5 who were overweight or obese in 2016 numbered 41 million,



New study has linked ADHD with fatty acids

In May 2019, researchers in Spain published a study in the peer-reviewed journal Brain Sciences, showing a connection between diet and ADHD.


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Healthy diet linked to lower odds of depression

In June 2019, researchers in Korea published a study in the peer-reviewed journal Current Developments in Nutrition, showing a connection between diet and depression.



This diet may reduce anxiety, distress & depression

In June 2019, the peer-review journal Nutritional Neuroscience published a study by researchers in Canada and Iran that shows a connection between diet and mental health.



Pro-inflammation diet could raise depression risk by 15%

In June 2019, The Journal of Nutrition published the findings of researchers in France who had investigated any connection between a pro-inflammation diet and depression risk.



This vitamin connected to depression during pregnancy

In May 2019, the peer-reviewed journal Research in Nursing & Health published a study in which researchers from the United States reported a link between vitamin B12 levels and depression among pregnant women.



This diet may improve cognition

In December 2013, researchers in Spain published a study in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, showing a connection between diet and cognition.

