Diets, Filters, & Tossing Out the Scale: Beauty Redefined

“This May 6, put away your scale and form a new relationship with the person in the mirror for International No Diet Day. For so many people, and especially women, unattainable body standards and pressure have prompted eating disorders, low self-esteem, bullying, and unhealthily restrictive diets.” 

The previous quote from National Today isn’t about eating Cheetos on May 6th until your fingers are an inch deep with cheese dust. It’s about taking a moment to evaluate whether your idea of health and beauty is sound and healthy. Or is your idea of health and beauty based on images and ideas that are not only subjective– they’re dangerous to pursue.

Beauty Through the Ages: Subjectivity at Its Finest

The word diet originally meant “habitually taken food and drink.” Now, the word diet triggers thoughts of temporary food and drink restriction. The evolution of the word diet parallels the evolution of the world’s beauty standards in that the evolution is not an improvement. Consider how far the beauty standards of women traveled over the years:

Ancient Greece (c. 500-300 B.C.)
Ideal woman: “plump, full-bodied, light skin”

Italian Renaissance (c.



You Are What Stands Between Youth & the Nutrients They Need

April 26th through April 30th of 2021 is Every Kid Healthy Week.

  • Monday, April 26th– Mindful Monday
    • Social. Emotional. Health.
  • Tuesday, April 27th– Tasty Tuesday
    • Nutrition and Food Access
  • Wednesday, April 28th– Wellness Wednesday
    • Self-care Strategies
  • Thursday, April 29th– Thoughtful Thursday
    • Connectedness.



Food. It’s What’s for Life.

Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner.” is arguably one of the most successful food-specific advertising slogans and campaigns to launch in the 1990s and, perhaps, ever. Odds are, this slogan still pops up in your mind from time-to-time. 

The existence of one of beef’s most famous slogans in your brain almost 30 years after its launch is powerful, and it’s what the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics hopes happens with their decision to designate March as National Nutrition Month.



Spoiler Alert: Breakfast Isn’t What You Think

For many, breakfast implies an early morning meal. If you don’t eat your first meal until closer to noon, you’ll likely call it lunch. But in actuality, breakfast means “to break the fasting period of the prior night.” By definition, breakfast is the first meal you eat after your longest rest and whether that meal is at 6 am or 2 pm doesn’t matter.

Reprogram Your Breakfast Mindset 

You’ve likely heard loved ones, teachers, commercials, and countless other sources preach the importance of starting each day with a healthy breakfast.



Food & You: An Ironclad Arranged Marriage, So Make It Work

Food is one of the most significant relationships in your life. It begins as a biological necessity and quickly morphs into a relationship that directly correlates to your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

You can walk away from a toxic person.
You can walk away from drugs.
You can walk away from dangerous situations.
But you cannot completely walk away from food.

You will one day leave the home in which you were born.
You did not always live with your partner.


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Micronutrients: The Caped Crusader Your Body Needs

Micronutrients “…are the ‘magic wands’ that enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other substances essential for proper growth and development. As tiny as the amounts are, however, the consequences of their absence are severe.” This excerpt from the James Haskell Health & Fitness portal sums up the importance of micronutrients. As the common phrase goes, good things come in small packages.

Unfortunately, “… almost 75 percent of people living in Western civilizations do not consume enough micronutrients each day to maintain their maximum health.” Spoiler alert: The rate is lower in the U.S.



Iodine or Bust!

“Over 90% of the U.S. population is iodine deficient,” according to recent FDA publications. You may be thinking, “I can’t even pronounce iodine, so why do I care?” But the truth is you should care a great deal.

PSA: The body does not produce iodine, & that’s a problem

The body does not produce iodine, which means iodine must be part of your diet. This essential mineral helps make thyroid hormones, which are hormones that control the body’s metabolism and other vital functions.



Superfoods: Worthy of their cape or unworthy of their hype?

The comic book opens with the masked crusader. Her cape flaps behind her, thanks to the wind she creates with her own forward momentum. She’s focused. Her mission is to protect not just life in general but the quality of one’s life too. No, she’s not someone who endured a fateful bite with a radioactive spider, like Spider-Man, nor is she a Kung Fu master, like Bruce Lee. 

She is a superfood.

What are superfoods?

Medical News Today defines superfoods as “foods that offer maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories.



You’ve Drank Toilet Bowl Cleaner & Admitting It Is the First Step Toward Better Health

Toilet bowl cleaner sloshes around your mouth. Stain, rust, and grease remover slithers down your throat. Snail and slug exterminating solution clings to your insides, wrecking you from the inside out.

This is your reality.

Deny it if you must, but this is the ugly truth for those who drink Coca-Cola. Now, this may be a dramatic way to present the conversation on soda’s unapologetic, destructive nature but dramatic or not, it’s true. Although those adorable Coca-Cola polar bears summon an audible ‘awww’ from me every Christmas season and glass Coca-Cola bottles induce intense feelings of nostalgia that make my heart take a direct hit of the warm and fuzzies,



Fear & Food: The Cohabitation that Morphs from Well-Meaning to Destructive

Food is fuel.
You are what you eat.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

There are a number of sayings centered around food and although they are often created with the intention of motivating someone to live their best life, they can make people obsess about food in a destructive way.

Many people grow up with an understanding that the food consumed is directly related to the quality of life maintained. School preaches the importance of fruits,

