Eating out may increase depression in the elderly

Last month, Taiwanese researchers published a study in The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics investigating a link between mental health and eating habits of elderly people.

The researchers studied the mental health and eating habits of nearly 1,200 individuals over the age of 64, specifically depression and eating out.



4 habits to avoid for better mental health

Last summer, Malaysian researchers published a study in Obesity Research & Clinical Practice showing a connection between what we eat and mental health.

The researchers had over 1500 high school students fill out questionnaires regarding socio-demographic, eating behaviour questionnaire, and depression, anxiety and stress, Then they analyzed the responses to find patterns.



How caffeine affects EMPowerplus

We are often asked what effect caffeine has on mental health and the use of EMPowerplus.

Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), which means that it can weaken the balance of elements critical to CNS function. Research shows that excessive caffeine intake can actually make depressive symptoms worse!



4 ways to get the most out of EMPowerplus

Changing from a medication-centric treatment program to a micronutrient-centric one for mental wellness can be intimidating for some people. Here are a few tricks that may hopefully make your transition easier.



Fast food may increase anxiety and stress levels

American researchers recently published a study in Journal Military Behavioral Health showing a connection between nutrition and levels of anxiety and stress.

The researchers enrolled over 350 soldiers to participate in their study to see if there is a relationship between food consumption behaviours and PTSD, depression, anxiety, and stress.

What the researchers discovered was that soldiers who eating habits that were less healthy (such as eating more fast foods and more sweets) also had higher stress and anxiety levels.


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4 foods to avoid if you have stress or depression

A British study published in the Central European Journal of Public Health showed a connection between diet and mental health among university students.

Researchers had over 3,700 students at 7 universities in England, Northern Ireland, and Wales self administer questionnaires, including a 12-item food frequency questionnaire, Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale, and modified Beck Depression Inventory.



What if nutrition could treat mental illness?

Mental health researcher Dr Julia Rucklidge will be speaking at the central branch of the Calgary Public Library on 12 July 2017 on the role of nutrition in mental health.



Fruits and vegetables may reduce depression risk

Last year, Chinese researchers published a study in the academic journal Nutrition that showed a connection between fruit and vegetable consumption and depression risk.

The researchers analyzed 18 studies involving a combined 446,551 participants: 10 studies looked at fruit intake, and the other 8 looked at vegetable intake.



5 easy ways to keep hydrated this summer

Water—you can’t live without it.

Practically every bodily function—cleansing, healing, building, and life-giving—depends on water. Water is critical to digestion, nutrient absorption, nutrient transport, and toxin removal. If you want to get the most out of your EMPowerplus consumption, drinking enough water may be a great place to start.



4 habits children should avoid to improve mental health

Last year, Indian researchers published a study in the Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research that outlines several lifestyle habits that can play a role in child mental health.

The researchers searched through research published between January 2000 and January 2014, specifically looking at studies focusing on diet and mental health.

What they discovered is that the research shows 4 lifestyle habits associated with poor mental health in children:

