Is the Western diet affecting our mental health?

Last month, New Zealand researcher Julia Rucklidge spoke at a University of Canterbury seminar about the effect the Western diet is having on mental health.

“We know a lot of this in terms of [physical] illness, but not a lot of people consider the effects of diet on mental illness. A lot of studies show that eating poorly leads to mental illness,” she said.

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Rucklidge said international research was finding that the Western diet could increase the risk of developing depression, anxiety and ADHD. A 2006 New Zealand mental health survey found about 47 per cent of New Zealanders would experience a mental illness or addiction at some point in their lives and one in five Kiwis would be affected by mental illness within one year.

This is consistent with other studies we have discussed on the Truehope blog in the past.

It is so important to remember that there is no magic pill. Taking control of our mental health requires a holistic approach, that includes not only Truehope EMPowerplus but diet, exercise, mindfulness, and a strong support network.