Diabetics Need Micronutrients More Than Most People

Diabetes is a chronic condition that can have a significant impact on your health. Unfortunately, research has also shown that many diabetics have higher levels of nutritional deficiencies than those without diabetes.

Due to the metabolic basis of the disease and its complications, people living with diabetes (specifically Type 2) experience “significant losses of important micronutrients,” not to mention the fact that the medications often prescribed for the disease cause an increase in nutrient requirements as well.

This means that it is even more important for people living with diabetes to take the steps necessary to ensure that they get the vitamins and minerals that their bodies need.

A person’s diet is one of the most important factors in managing diabetes. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats can help regulate blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health.

Nutritional Deficiencies Can Lead to Complications

Research has found that those with diabetes tend to be deficient in certain nutrients more often than those without diabetes. These deficiencies can include vitamins A, B6, B12, D & E as well as magnesium, selenium and zinc.

These nutritional deficiencies can cause a variety of issues such as fatigue, poor wound healing, increased risk of infection and even nerve damage if left untreated.

It is important for diabetics to make sure they are getting enough of these essential vitamins and minerals from their diet as well as through supplementation if needed.

The Benefits of Taking Nutritional Supplements

Taking nutritional supplements can be beneficial for those with diabetes since it helps ensure they are getting all the essential vitamins and minerals they need while also helping them properly manage their blood glucose levels.

Research conducted by Harvard Medical School continues to support the use of daily multinutrient supplements, especially those with chronic diseases such as diabetes.


Truehope EMPowerPlus is a specially formulated vitamin, mineral, and amino acid supplement designed to assist in creating a balanced life. It provides a broad spectrum, highly absorbable range of nutrients that are essential for general health as well as brain function.

For a one-two punch with diabetes nutrition, we also recommend adding in Truehope Inositol to your regimen. Benefits of Inositol include the potential to aid blood sugar control by improving insulin sensitivity.