5 critical steps to take when transitioning to EMPowerplus

The benefit of using EMPowerplus is that it improves brain function and overall mental health by ensuring proper nutrition reaches your central nervous system.

Because EMPowerplus ultimately affects how neurotransmitters interact in your brain (similar to the effect of medication), introducing EMPowerplus into your system without reducing your medication can have the same effect as being over-medicated. Psychiatric medications should be gradually tapered off under the supervision of a doctor and the Truehope support team when using EMPowerplus.

Here are 5 key things to remember while transitioning to EMPowerplus:

  1. Work with your doctor. Your doctor playing a part in your transition to EMPowerplus is critical. She or he will be able to work closely with you, keeping an eye on your progress, and ensuring your transition is as safe as possible.
  2. Work with our support team. For over 10 years, we have worked with over 100,000 participants to help them transition from medication to EMPowerplus. We work closely with your doctor, and we take your health and safety seriously.
  3. Never self medicate. Choosing your dosage of EMPowerplus on your own based on how you feel is risky. Withdrawal symptoms are unpredictable, and working with your doctor and the Truehope team will ensure your transition is as safe and effective as possible. Health should always be more important than speed.
  4. Don’t quit your meds cold turkey. The effects of medication on your mental health is not the same as EMPowerplus’s effect, across the board. Transition should be gradual, so those helping you can watch for any concerns and catch complications early.
  5. Find a personal support person. Have a friend, family member, counsellor, or therapist stand beside you in your journey to support and strengthen you.

Follow these 5 important steps to ensure you have a healthy, hopeful, and happy journey with Truehope.