Many of the people who become Truehope participants are tired of their medications and the side effects they bring. They are anxious to replace their medications with Truehope EMPowerplus.
Here are 3 things you should know before transitioning to EMPowerplus from medication:
Do medications interfere with EMPowerplus?
Yes, especially psychiatric medications. As your brain function improves through the use of EMPowerplus, you can become increasingly over-medicated. Psychiatric medications should be gradually tapered off under the supervision of a health care professional while using EMPowerplus.
What should I expect when transitioning from medications?
As you build up the key nutrient balance in your body, medications can become an issue. Making the transition from psychiatric medications to EMPowerplus must be done with proper supervision. Please do not adjust medications on your own as medication withdrawal symptoms can be quite severe. After the transition period, most of our users find that they enjoy the benefits of mental health without the side effects that they experienced with medication.
I’m tired of drugs; can’t I just stop taking them now and switch to EMPowerplus?
In addition to your doctor and the Truehope Support team, we highly recommended that you enlist the help of a support person. This could be a counsellor, therapist, family member, or good friend who is willing to commit to helping you through the transition process, monitoring your symptoms, and staying in regular contact with you and Truehope Support.
If you have any questions regarding transitioning to EMPowerplus, contact our support centre. Are you a Truehope participant? Share your transitioning experience below.