More doctors and health professionals than ever before are prescribing EMPowerplus Advanced—Truehope Nutritional Support’s specialized micronutrient treatment—in their clinical practice as a treatment option for bipolar disorder, depression, ADD, ADHD, and other mental disorders, as well as for general health.
Here are 3 reasons why these health professionals use EMPowerplus in their medical practice:
1. Nutrition helps brain function
A growing body of research has shown a strong connection between brain function and nutrients. As the most researched micronutrient formula in the world, EMPowerplus alone has been the subject of 27 independent clinical studies performed by international clinicians, researchers, and scientists.
2. EMPowerplus is safe and effective
In a 2011 study published in BMC Psychiatry, American and Canadian researchers reported that a systematic review of all available safety data on EMPowerplus revealed that “there was not a single reported occurrence of a clinically meaningful negative outcome/effect or an abnormal blood test that could be attributed to toxicity.”
3. We offer customized support solutions
At Truehope, we’ve developed a department dedicated to supporting physicians as they provide evidence-based, nutritional solutions for their patients and clients. For more information, physicians and healthcare professionals can phone 866.397.3795 or email
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