Pamela’s success story: bipolar

My name is Pamela Tipping, and my mother was diagnosed 23 years ago with manic depression (bipolar), when I was 10 years old.

I had a tough time growing up; however, my mother is an incredible woman. Through those insane years, in and out of institutions, going through the severe effects of prescription meds, and raising 2 kids on her own, she managed to obtain her master’s degree in psychology and is now a highly regarded psychologist in a federal position. I am very proud of her.

As a child, I experienced the outward symptoms of this terrible affliction. My brother and I were shuttled around the family while my mother went through her episodes, whether or not she was on her meds. It didn’t make any difference.

As an adult, I made sure I had phone numbers of her close friends, health number, license plate, etc. in case she had an episode so that I could be sure she could be found to receive treatment. I was terrified of her episodes because I love her and wanted to be sure she was safe. I knew that she went through hell while in institutions, but felt it was better than the paranoia and violent, erratic behavior she had to experience while having an episode.

I am not bi-polar and have not had first hand experience as my mother did, and do not fully understand the hell she had to go through. I have read These Painted Wings and was blown away by the similarities in Ms. Stringam’s story and my own life. I am grateful that she was brave enough to bring the matter into public awareness. I personally feel that there is no shame in being bi-polar or being from a bi-polar family. It’s been proven that these individuals are more often gifted and highly intelligent and a great asset to society. My mother’s work only proves this.

In October 2006, she began the Truehope program without my knowledge. She was certain that I would try to talk her out of it. In the past, she had tried going off her meds, has tried holistic and natural methods to try to control her symptoms without success. She had an episode in November 2006 as a result of withdrawal from her prescribed medication and other stress factors. She spent a short time in an institution and then continued the Truehope program without prescribed drugs.

I am amazed!

For the first time in my life, my mother is present, enjoying every moment of life, happy and ‘normal’. She can feel all range of emotions and has not had an episode or showed any outward symptoms of bipolar disorder. This has never happened before.

Please understand that while on prescribed meds, my mother was self-conscious, constantly worried about trivial matters, afraid of things that ‘normal’ people never give a second thought to. Normally, if my mother is not on her meds, she will experience noticeable symptoms within a few weeks.

This has completely changed.

Every day that passes I worry less and less about her stability because all I see is a happy, hard working, well adjusted, life loving individual who is finally there for herself and her family. She is actually making plans for growing old and having a wonderful retirement filled with love and family.

I am so grateful to Truehope for helping me in November when my mother had her episode, and for being there for my mother providing her with support and of course, EMPowerplus that has after all these years, given her a stable and full life. EMPowerplus has saved my mother’s life. Thank you.


Pamela Tipping