Jose’s success story: depression

I’d start this off with “once upon a time,” but this is no fairy tale. This is a little story, a true story, about someone who is back on track, and you could be too.

I’ve been dealing with mental illness as far back as I remember. It started with my father and later on in my life became my burden. I knew I had problems early in my teens, but only sought help when a friend at work noticed a change in my behavior and gave me the name of her ex-husband’s psychiatrist. By that time, I had already been self-medicating just to forget or get away from my issues.

It took me about a week to set an appointment, and when I met up with the doctor, I told him I had some issues and wanted to get to the root of my issues then talk to someone to fix it or them. I told him absolutely no meds because I watched my dad until even a few months ago just not doing well, and plus all the hospital stays just made me say no to meds. Long story short, he put me on Prozac and I became a guinea pig off and on for about six years.

Looking back at my life, it was like re-living my father’s life with all the med changes and hospital stays. I had missed out on some great opportunities with jobs, girlfriends, trips, concerts, and some good friendships.

Nine years ago, when I graduated high school, I met this great girl and soon after that her family. Turns out her mom had experience with people like myself due to her job. She told me about the program with EMPowerplus and I didn’t take it seriously at first because I was brainwashed by my doctors that only something approved by the FDA could help me.

After running out of meds and no insurance to cover the cost, I called Truehope. One of the best decisions I have ever made! Ever! Now I didn’t notice the change right away, but others around me did. After being the drug company’s “lab rat” for all these years with no results, you could not pay me to take anything else. I have my life back with, get this, no side effects. Yes, you heard me, no side effects!

I’m currently working in a job I swore I would never do again and just loving life. Now with a clear mind I’m able to make better decisions and make better choices. After being on the program since September of 2006, I’ve seen that everything is starting to fall into place. I have a more positive attitude towards life and a lot more patience.

Now that my life is manageable, I have been spreading the word to others who feel like they have run out of options. So if you want a change for the better and control of your life again, then get in touch with Truehope and just be ready to write your success story soon thereafter.

Thanks to everybody over at Truehope because you did your good deed for your lifetime.

Jose Dos Santos