For a lot of people, being at work can be the most stressful part of the day. Starting off the day in positive ways can set you in the right mood.
Here are 5 things you can do before work that can improve your mood before going to work, while at work, and after you get home.
1. Make your bed
Making your bed every morning provides you with work not related to your job, which, in turn, can offer extra incentive to get out of bed in the morning. Plus, coming home to a made bed can help you feel more organized, which can help you sleep better. And proper sleep is critical for positive mental health.
2. Pack a healthy snack
Significant influences on one’s stress levels at work are hunger and low energy levels, both of which can be a result of unhealthy snacking or not eating enough food. When putting together your lunch before work or the night before, include quick, healthy snacks using whole foods (like fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain). Whole foods take longer to digest, giving you longer lasting energy. Plus, they provide many of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to create neurotransmitters, the chemicals that manage your mood.
3. Put on some tunes
Listening to music can reduce stress and boost mood. Sing in the shower and play music while getting dressed, eating breakfast, and making your lunch. Don’t forget to listen to music during your commute, and, if possible, while working.
4. Get up early
Getting up late means you have less time to get stuff done before work, which forces you to rush, creating more stress. Get up early enough to have a relaxing shower, eat a nutritious breakfast, get dressed, and put together a healthy lunch and snack. But don’t neglect your sleep by going to bed late; get to bed early so you have adequate sleep; inadequate sleep can affect your mood, too.
5. Smell a lemon
Our sense of smell can affect our mood. Several scents can have a positive impact on our mental health, including basil, juniper, and lavender. One particular useful scent is lemon, so find ways to incorporate lemon smells into your day. In fact, Japanese researchers published a study that showed how certain fragrances, including lemon, alter gene activity and blood chemistry in ways that can reduce stress levels.
What are some ways you use to destress before, at, or after work? Let us know in the comments below.