17 research articles published on EMPowerplus

Did you know Truehope’s flagship product, EMPowerplus—a micronutrient formula of  36 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids designed to improve mental well-being—has been studied by 30 independent researchers at 13 universities worldwide?

This makes EMPowerplus the most researched micronutrient formula in the world.

Truehope EMPowerplus Bottle Since 1996, scientists and doctors in clinical practice have studied the effects of EMPowerplus on mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, ADHD, stress, and anxiety. Some research has even studied its effects on people with autism. Results have been very encouraging and significant.

Since publishing the first study on EMPowerplus in 2001, researchers have published 17 total studies in academic journals, all of which have shown EMPowerplus has great promise in helping those with mental health challenges. And we’re not done yet. We have several other studies underway, including some double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

Dr. Bonnie Kaplan, a respected behavioral research scientist and one of the principal researchers on several of the published studies said:

“If substantiated in controlled trials, the normalization of the mentally ill via nutrient supplementation would be the most significant breakthrough in the field of mental illness since the beginning of time.”

Remember, researchers study our products independently. We never fund studies done on our products.