5 foods that boost your mood and 4 that worsen it

Anyone who has followed our blog knows by now of the importance we place on the connection between nutrition and mental health.

We recently came across an article on Everyday Health in collaboration with internal medicine specialist Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH. The article outlines foods that can help alleviate anxiety symptoms and foods that can increase stress and perhaps trigger depression

5 foods to boost your mood

  1. Foods rich in tryptophan
    Turkey, chicken, bananas, milk, oats, cheese, soy, nuts, peanut butter, sesame seeds
  2. Foods rich in B vitamins
    Beef, pork, chicken, leafy greens, legumes, oranges and other citrus fruits, rice, nuts eggs
  3. Whole grain foods
    Whole wheat bread, brown rice
  4. Omega-3 rich fatty fish
    Salmon, tuna, lake trout, herring, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines
  5. Protein-rich foods
    Greek yogurt, fish, meats, cheese, eggs, nuts, beans, soy, and lentils

4 foods that worsen your mood

  1. Caffeinated foods
    Coffee, tea, cola, hot chocolate
  2. Candy
  3. Alcohol
  4. Processed food
    Hot dogs, sausage, pie, and cakes

To read why and how each of these food types affect mood and anxiety, check out the Everyday Health article.

If you’re interested in learning more about the connection between nutrition and mental health, check out some more of our research posts.