Amino acids are the building blocks of our body; more specifically, they build our neurotransmitters, messengers of that communicate neurologic information from one cell to another.
Let’s take the neurotransmitter serotonin. During the day, serotonin is your feel good “happy” molecule. At night, it turns into melatonin so you can experience a deep and restful sleep. To produce serotonin, you need sufficient levels of L-tryptophan. Serotonin is a calming neurotransmitter and can act as antidepressant to reduce depression.
Dopamine is another neurotransmitter, and it is the parent of norepinephrine and adrenaline. These are also known as catecholamines and are nicknamed “The Cats”. To build dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline, you needs sufficient levels of tyrosine and phenylalanine. These catecholamines help you focus, stay alert, and concentrate. Dopamine and catecholamines are energizing neurotransmitters.
Truehope’s Transition Support Plus is a free-form amino acid blend that allows the amino acids to bypass digestion and absorb in just a couple of minutes. It contains a blend of 16 amino acids that include L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine, which are required to synthesize the serotonin and dopamine.
When you include a broad-spectrum amino acid blend in your diet while transitioning off medication, it can help buffer withdrawal effects, making it more comfortable to gradually reduce medications.
Medications can affect neurotransmitter synthesis, so it makes sense to take more amino acids while transitioning from medications to nutrients.
A lack of amino acids can affect our ability to produce the digestive enzymes necessary to break down protein into component amino acids, potentially leading to a cycle of poor nutrition. Our bodies need amino acids to derive amino acids from the foods we eat. Interestingly, amino acids are precursors to over 15,000 enzymes made in the pancreas.
A well-nourished brain produces true emotions and well-being. When life circumstances happen, you can better handle the curve balls and experience balance, stability, and capability throughout the process.
Vitamins and minerals are cofactors that play a significant role in synthesizing neurotransmitters. Deficiency of these cofactors tends to selectively reduce brain production of the neurotransmitters.
As you can see, there are many good reasons to include a broad-spectrum amino acid blend in your diet, and these are a just a few of the reasons. Taking Transition Support Plus along with EMPowerplus Advanced only makes sense.