NEWSFLASH: “Don’t squeeze the Charmin!” is out, and “Can’t find the Charmin!” is in.
This tongue-in-cheek comment visualizes the decimated toiletry shelves of stores around the world as the fear of the coronavirus slithers into communities, shooting panic into the hearts of many and confusion as to how to best respond.
Contrary to what many believe, coronavirus isn’t the newbie at the fear-inducing panic party. According to Cleveland Clinic, “the older human coronaviruses were first identified in the mid-1960s, but have likely circulated in humans for centuries.” It’s a virus that can affect both animals and humans and typically, most cases are mild. Symptoms initially mirror that of the flu: fever, headache, cough, fatigue, and muscle aches. But it can transition into pneumonia as it is known to deeply affect the respiratory system.
Live Science shared a study on March 11, 2020 that, although not peer-reviewed, casts a spotlight on one of the differences between the coronavirus and the flu and common cold. Live Science’s shared study “found that the (corona)virus can remain viable in the air for up to 3 hours, on copper for up to 4 hours, on cardboard up to 24 hours and on plastic and stainless steel up to 2 to 3 days.” Whereas cold viruses typically only survive a few hours on surfaces, 24 hours at the most, and the flu viruses can survive on surfaces for only 24 to 48 hours. In the simplest terms, coronavirus is the twinkie of viruses. Its shelf life is too long and once it enters the body, it doesn’t leave quietly.
Beyond coronavirus being the twinkie of viruses, it’s also creating a reality that most living generations have not been truly asked to live outside of a hospital setting: self-quarantine. People feel invincible. People feel the coronavirus is something other people deal with, not them. As the coronavirus spreads and wreaks havoc–stealing learning from children as schools close for weeks at a time, demolishing forever-moments as sporting events and extracurriculars suspend indefinitely, initiating ulcers as people panic about what headlines to believe and how to protect themselves and their loved ones–the world needs fewer recommendations and more lines drawn in the sand.
No more wishy-washy niceties that leave people confused about the best thing to do. Just tell us what we need to do to protect ourselves and our family. This is not the time for leaders to sugarcoat their words or be timid with their actions. Tell the public the facts and make it clear what steps are necessary to show the coronavirus the door as soon as humanly possible.
As I read the coronavirus headlines sweeping the nation and listen to every reporter and person ‘in the know’, I’m shocked that one word isn’t plastered as incessantly as the logos on Ricky Bobby’s car in Talladega Nights. That one word is Iodine.
As Dr. Brownstein says, “Iodine is essential to not only fighting off an infection it is necessary for proper immune system and functioning.” One of the most mind-blowing facts Dr. Brownstein brings to light is that “there is no bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus that is known to be resistant to iodine.” But he’s not the first person to sing iodine’s praises.
Dr. David Derry released a report entitled Iodine: the Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza Viruses back in 2009. Because of its succinctness, the first paragraph deserves to be quoted in its entirety:
“The 1918 Influenza Pandemic killed an estimated 30 million people within a year. In the quarter-century following the Pandemic, governments financed intensive research into the Pandemic’s causes and treatments for the viruses that cause influenza. Iodine was the superior antiseptic that at low concentrations killed the airborne viruses that cause influenza. Iodine was without toxicity.”
There’s no question that in addition to eating healthy, specifically avoiding refined sugar because it’s been found to negatively affect white blood cells, and drinking plenty of water, iodine is a sure-fire way to better ensure you and your family’s health. As Dr. Derry points out, “Iodine has been known as a universal antiseptic for 150 years and has few side effects except in high doses… Iodine kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and even spores of bacteria and fungi, including anthrax spores. Iodine was used successfully against influenza, herpes, smallpox, and chicken pox viruses.”
Instead of running for toilet paper and antibacterial wipes, although worthy of your running shoes’ efforts, strongly consider adding iodine, such as Nascent Iodine Advanced, to your daily routine. Whether you incorporate iodine orally or as an aerosol, it absolutely may be the smartest addition to your virus-fighting arsenal you’ve made in a long time, if not ever.
Author: Evelyn Lindell
Certified Health & Wellness Coach