The first thing to consider when speaking of response time is that restoring health is a process that takes time. Remember, you did not get sick overnight. Give your body a chance to heal and balance. The results are worth the wait.
But when can you expect to see results?
Although certain disorders may respond quicker than others, participant initial response times and results can vary dramatically: from 3 days to 12 months. Genetics, bowel health, medication use, alcohol use, drug abuse, and recent antibiotic use can all have a significant impact on response time and efficacy.
Every participant’s situation is unique, but it’s important to understand that virtually all participants who are heavily medicated or severely ill upon entering the Truehope Program will have some degree of difficulty in recovery.
Our support staff have been trained and armed with information that is designed to assist you as you go through the healing process. Use all of the resources available to you, and be sure to establish a good personal support system with a friend or loved one who can go through the process with you.
Restoring your mental health is a process that takes time. Don’t be in too much of a hurry to see results. Follow the Truehope Program and the advice of our support staff carefully and your chances of success and a quick response will increase dramatically.
The next few days, weeks, and months will pass regardless of what you do, so why not commit now to make the changes in your life necessary to experience real mental wellness? Talk to your Truehope Support person today and make a plan to succeed.