When a truly dangerous situation arises, fear often sets in immediately, triggering both the mind and body to instantly react. That’s natural.
With PTSD, however, those reactions are altered and distorted in a way that strikes sufferers with anxiety and fear, even if there’s no reason to fear that way.
What causes PTSD?
PTSD emerges after a fear-inducing event, often involving actual or threatened physical harm to the sufferer, a family member, friend, or co-worker. Although it likely has been around for many generations, PTSD first emerged as a real psychological condition after the Vietnam War.
That being said, war is by no means the only cause. Other causes of PTSD include:
- Mugging
- Rape
- Torture
- Kidnapping
- Child abuse
- Car accidents
- Train wrecks
- Plane crashes
- Bombings
- Natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes.
3 sub-types of PTSD
1. Re-experiencing symptoms
This is when sufferers experience flashbacks: remembering the traumatic even again and again. They may even have physiological responses when undergoing the flashbacks and may experience nightmares or fearful thoughts.
2. Avoidance symptoms
Many PTSD sufferers naturally want to avoid times, places, objects, or situations that could trigger memories of the traumatic event(s). In doing so, they may feel distant, guilty, depressed, anxious, or forgetful. All of these reactions — and more — can severely disrupt the sufferer’s daily routines. For example, someone who was in an automobile accident may be reluctant to ride in or drive a car.
3. Hyperarousal symptoms
Those with PTSD are easily frightened. They may be constantly tense, experience insomnia, or given to irate outbursts. This situation often interferes with their ability to sleep, eat, or concentrate.
It may take weeks or months for one or more of these categories to emerge. Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) is often diagnosed when these symptoms are serious and last only a few weeks.
If you have PTSD, there are effective ways to obtain relief. Many former PTSD sufferers now live a life free of anxiety, while others have embraced solutions that make their anxiety easily manageable.
If you feel pharmaceuticals aren’t for you, EMPowerplus Advanced, combined with other healthy lifestyle changes, may be the answer.