How Truehope helps with earthquakes in our lives

Last month, researchers in New Zealand published a study in The New Zealand Journal of Psychology showing that Truehope EMPowerplus, a micronutrient formula, reduced levels of anxiety, depression, and stress in survivors of a 7.1-magnitude earthquake that took place near Christchurch in September 2010.

Researchers measured anxiety, depression, and stress levels among 33 participants—16 were taking EMPowerplus and 17 were not—before the earthquake, a week or so after the earthquake, and two weeks or so after the earthquake.

Those taking EMPowerplus saw a 63% reduction in overall test scores compared with only a 20% reduction for those not taking EMPowerplus.

You might be asking yourself, however, how this finding has practical application in everyday life of the everyday person. After all, it isn’t every day each of us finds ourselves trapped in a 7.1-magnitude earthquake.

Or do we?

Certainly, we don’t find the ground trembling, buildings swaying, and books falling from their shelves. That doesn’t mean we are free from anxiety, depression, or stress. That doesn’t mean we don’t find other things in our lives trembling, swaying, or falling. That doesn’t mean we don’t find ourselves feeling trapped.

Anxiety, depression, and stress can creep into and take over the lives of each of us, and for many of us, it already has. They can be brought on by anything.

We might be anxious about a presentation we have to give to a very lucrative, new client. We might be depressed about a loved one who passed away. We might be stressed about the unpaid bills piling up on our kitchen counter.

We might be anxious about meeting our partner’s parents for the first time. We might be depressed about working in a caustic environment at a dead-end job we hate. We might be stressed about being behind on school assignments and being unable to catch up.

Of course, some of us experience longer-lasting periods of anxiety, depression, and stress, and some us might even have clinical disorders related to them.

Regardless of the severity or duration, such circumstances can seem impossible and frightening. They can be like an earthquake, and we might feel powerless in trying to overcome them. But there is hope.

The research mentioned above shows us there is hope. Hope there is a way to overcome the anxiety, depression, and stress we experience. Hope that we can stop the trembling, swaying, and falling. Hope that we no longer have to feel powerless, that we now have power. Power to survive. Power to overcome. Power to heal.

Truehope EMPowerplus offers a natural solution for the struggles we face each day. It has made a difference in the lives of thousands of people around the world who struggle with mood disorders, and it could make a difference in your life, too.

You can read the research publication here (pp. 51–57).