How drugs are stored in your fat tissue

Mary* was feeling great! She was no longer taking medications which made her feel emotionally numb and clouded. She felt clear-headed and stable, something she had not felt for a long time.

The Truehope program was really working!

She felt energized and motivated, so she began to go jogging. She wanted to improve her health and lose some of the weight she had gained over the last year. All at once her symptoms began to backslide.

When Mary called Truehope, her support person helped her to look up the side effects of her previous medications. Sure enough, those were the symptoms she was feeling.

Mary’s experience is not unique.

When drugs travel through the bloodstream, they do so either bound to blood components (such as plasma protein or blood cells) or freely on their own. Drug distribution into tissues depends on how extensive it binds to plasma protein and tissue, such as hair, bone, teeth, and fat.1

In fact, your body may store significant quantities of a drug because tissue storage sites may need to be saturated before there are sufficient quantities of the drug to be effective.When you discontinue a drug, tissue deposits may slowly release their stores, resulting in persistent drug effects despite your having stopped taking the drug.2

Drug storage is real and this may explain why some people experience persistent effects even after having stopped their prescribed medication for some time. It also explains why some Truehope participants feel significant side effects after being drug free when they start on the Truehope program. Without knowing about drug storage, participants may inadvertently assume that the side effects are tied to EMPowerplus.

As we continue looking for answers, we know we’ll find solutions that’ll help ease drug effects on the Truehope program. We have already found some: free-form amino acids and protein isolate offer some relief. Vitamin C shows some promise also.

Sharing your experiences of what works and what doesn’t will help us fit the pieces of the puzzle together so that in the future, Mary and others can be free of the negative effects of medications.

*Mary is representative of many participants on the Truehope program.


  1. The Merck Manual Online
  2. Blackburn S.T. Maternal, Fetal, & Neonatal Physiology: A Clinical Perspective. Third Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences. St. Louis. 2007.