A little over 5 years ago, New Zealand researchers published an article in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders, showing the results of a case study in which EMPowerplus helped a man with obsessive compulsive disorder.
A psychiatrist had diagnosed the man with OCD and Asperger’s disorder when he was 16 years old and estimated that he had had them for 3 years. He lived with high levels of anxiety, fears, obsession, and compulsion.
He started cognitive behavioural therapy, which mitigated his symptoms somewhat. After 1 year, he stopped the CBT treatment, and within a year, his OCD manifestations were worse than before he started the therapy. By this point, he had also become clinically depressed.
The man was now 18, and he started treatment with EMPowerplus, a natural combination of 36 vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. He experienced no side effects and was committed to taking the recommended daily dosage.
Within 3 weeks, his mood lifted, his anxiety improved, and his OCD was manageable, less distressing, and less interfering. Plus, his Y-BOCS score was at 12, its lowest in 4 years.
By the 4-week mark, he could ignore his obsessive thoughts, and his obsessions were brief (seconds instead of hours) and stopped without his needing to intervene.
After 2 months, the man decided to stop the treatment, worried that the change in his symptoms was merely coincidental and had nothing to do with the EMPowerplus.
In less than 2 weeks, symptoms started reappearing, and the intensity had increased in less than a month. By the 2-month mark, his obsessions had increased severely, his mood had dropped, his anxiety had increased, and his Y-BCOS was at 23.
He decided to return to EMPowerplus.
With 12 days of returning to EMPowerplus, his Y-BCOS score had dropped, and it had reached 10 within 4 weeks. Anxiety and obsessions had both lessened, and his mood had improved to moderate levels. By this point, researchers had determined that he no longer met the criteria for a mood disorder.
Researchers had contacted him 6 months after the trial, and he appeared to still be in remission with low anxiety and even better mood levels.
This is yet another example of the positive change EMPowerplus has made in the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world, restoring health, hope, and happiness.
To read more about this case study, visit our website.