Paint your room and boost your mood

Did you know that colour can influence our mood?

Dutch researchers divided 72 participants in 3 age groups: 6.7–78 years old, 10.5–12 years old, and 20–56 years old. Each participant performed 14 randomly paired comparisons of colours, then 15 comparisons of emotions, also randomly ordered. With each pair, researchers asked them which of the paired colour was more beautiful or which of the paired emotions did they like more.

Following this exercise (and immediately following a buffer test), researchers read aloud an emotion and asked participants to pick one colour of six before them that best matched that emotion. When asked which colour best matched the feeling of happiness, most adults picked either yellow (9) or green (11). White and blue were the only other colours picked for happiness, but they received only 1 and 3 votes, respectively.

If you’re looking for a way to boost your mood in an uninspiring environment, consider adding yellow or green to that room, through painting the walls, some artwork, furniture, or maybe an area rug.